Chapter 5: Strange soul

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«Prejudices ... Prejudices ... Prejudices ... Prejudices»

My eyes are closed, images of the delirious crowd at the end of "21 Guns" shake the ground. What I feel at the moment is far too hard to explain. I am swept away by a whirlwind of emotions, on this small stage. It's very hot in the room. The scene is very high which allows me to see absolutely everyone. Behind me, members of the Prejudices group are laughing for bullshit. I don't want to know what they are talking about. I want to be mismatched during this analgesic moment. I don't often feel an inner peace like this. I can hear the admiration in their voices, It arrives in the depths of my body, of my soul. It's a perfect balance between dream and reality. A hint of glory that I will never imagine ever reaching. Even if our success is limited to the doors of the university.

I take a big breath and scream:

-Thank you for tonight!

The crowd respond with more shouting. I see a group of pretty girls right in front of me. Hot, innocent and fresh? I already like it. A little wink and they melt away laughing like idiots. If they knew what I think of them ... I can already imagine them going home with me. Idiotic idea. I would probably take one perhaps even whole group in the bar . This thought makes me laugh.

The subdued light makes the atmosphere even more special. The room is not very big, it can only count 500 people. This is incredible, almost unreal. What I like the most when I'm on stage is, as I said earlier, to be high. I can see the bottom of the small room and watch each fan. The connection between us and the public is special because we are close to them.

I breathe well when I'm on stage. Nothing can reach me. Funny to say. We're just a group of students doing rock, but I know we'll go far. Just listen to us an you'll know it. I am then interrupted by a person who taps on my shoulder. Jace, this damn amateur who thinks is presenter, i return him a sudden movement to release his hand. I hate human contact, except for women when they overlap me, but that's another story.

- It was the "Prejudice". His voice hit me on the system. He thinks he is interesting. I hate that.

I give him a dark glare as I like to do. Many people are running when I do that. And like everyone, he is moving away. Part won ... again. I make one last sign for the crowd and the rest of the group and I leave the stage. The delectation is over for tonight. The only moments I feel good are when I write my songs, scratch on my guitar and sing. The rest of the time, I am only a ghost surviving in a crazy world.


If I could keep my stage outfit, I'll do it, but even if it's September, it's a bit cold to just wear what I wear right now

I leave the room which is still packed and I light a cigarette. The first puff makes me crazy. The smoke that I inhale enters my throat gently as a caress. Head back, I open my mouth to spit out the white smoke that has just lodged in my lungs. The cigarette just after a concert is the quintessence. Many smokers think it appears after eating, but believe me, they are all wrong.

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