I'll Slam you like Paperwork My Boss gave me

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Summary : In which Jimin is stressed and Yoongi helped him with a good sex

Word count : 2.7k
Warning : Raw sex and sub smol Yoongi, much OOC and cameo appearance of J-Hope and Boo Seungkwan in the end





Fuck this job and fuck everything!

Jimin sighed frustatedly looked at his finished paperwork, but it's completely ruined as one of his coworker spilled the coffee on his paperwork, that cunt spilled her coffee on purpose.

Not only that, he left one of his important documents at home making his boss angry at him even more, and as if it's not enough, another one of his coworker broke his printer that he had to print from his friend's printer, what a fucking fantastic day...

Thankfully his jobs are done today, he just slumped on his chair and thanked the God that He spared some mercy for him.

Just then Jimin's phone vibrated, he clicked his tongue and answer it not bothering to look who is the caller, it might be his careless asshole of a coworkers.

"What?! Can you call me later?! I'm busy!"

"Oh...sorry Jimin, I didn't mean to bug you out..."

Jimin's eyes widen at the familiar voice and looked at his phone to check who is it

My baby Yoongi♥

Oh shit...

"Hyung, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to yell, I thought it's my careless ass coworker! I'm so sorry!"

He could hear Yoongi chuckling

"It's okay, Jimin. Anyway I'm calling because I'm on the way to your office"

"Oh! You're going to pick me up? Luckily, I just finished my job, I'll meet you outside"

"Okay, baby. See you there, I love you"

"I love you too, hyung"

As Yoongi hung up, Jimin shut his computer down and pack his documents inside his messenger bag, he was actually eager and impatient, he just wanted to cuddle and watching some cheesy romantic movie with Yoongi.

Once he's outside, he saw Yoongi's car and immediately sparked up, he then run towards the car and get inside and to be greeted by Yoongi's gummy smile that made his heart flutter and melt all his stress.

"I've missed you, Hyung~" Jimin wrapped his arms around Yoongi's neck, the older smiled and kissed his boyfriend on his cheek "I've missed you too, Jiminie, also I bought us Chinese takeaway, and iced coffee and coke too"

Jimin squealed inside at how caring Yoongi is, he must've saved the world back in his past to deserve an angel like Yoongi.

"Ah, hyung, you're the best, I love you so so much~" Yoongi smiled again "I love you more" Jimin pouted at how Yoongi one upped him "I love you more than I love myself" Yoongi smirked, feeling a little competitive "I love you more than I love our iced coffee"

"I love you more than I love our secret sex tape"

"I love you more than I love this world"

Jimin fake gasped and put his hand on his heart dramatically "How dare you!" Yoongi could only chuckled and kissed Jimin shortly yet sweetly.

P.JM x M.YG : Switch it Up [ONGOING REVISION]Where stories live. Discover now