I'll Break The Rule for you (Extra Chapter)

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Summary : Five years after they left the palace, Yoongi, Jimin along with their brothers and friends live peacefully in Gyeongju, even though they're no longer live in riches and luxury, they lived a happy life, one day Yoongi and Jimin's daughter asked them if she can have a brother or another sister

Word Count : 2.3k

Warning : OOC, Cringe (like incest and mpreg, reference to the first part) , so get your bucket ready in case you need to throw up, raw, rushed, amateurish and trashy


Five years went in a flash for the forsaken princes and their esteemed friends...

The first year they lived in the village was not easy, rumours about the emperor's next heir married to his own brother spread quickly like a wildfire, they didn't accept them and their friends in their village, but some of them was nice and sympathetic enough to accept them knowing that there is no safer place for them to stay, some of the villagers offered them an unused cottages far from the square, they start to seek for job knowing now they live in a simpler life, Yoongi and Jungkook were an exception since they're with a child and can't push themselves to work.

It was difficult, but thankfully someone else willing to give them a job for their living, and slowly everyone in the village start to warm up to them and accept them fully.

At that time, Yoongi gave a birth to a beautiful daughter, he and Jimin named her Park Youngmi, which is the namesake of Yoongi's mother, the late empress, and know that their daughter possess his mother's beauty.

Yoongi and Jimin couldn't be happier as she came to their lives, this is the life they always wanted, living together with love and affection, no rules and boundaries could bind them, it's perfect, just perfect.


Present day...

"Mommy, daddy!"

Jimin and Yoongi were just relaxing under the warm spring sun, they looked at their daughter who is smiling at them, her hair is slightly disheveled and there's a speck of dirt on her face, "Now Youngmi, why do you look so disheveled?" Yoongi smiled and wiped the dirt off her round face, she giggled innocently and let Yoongi did it "I was just play brave warriors with Daejung, Daeseong, Namhee and Jangmi!"

Jimin chuckled and ruffled her messy hair "Oh really? Do tell me, has our princess succeeded of becoming a warrior princess?" Youngmi pouted and puffed her cheeks "No! I'm not a princess! I'm a brave and strong warrior!"

Yoongi smiled and kissed her chubby cheek "Yes, of course you are, you're mommy and daddy's brave little warrior, are you not?"
Youngmi giggled even more when Jimin kissed her cheek as well "Oh, she is, with the power of thousands suns she'll protect us from evil forces"

"Of course! I'm strong like Uncle Joonie and Uncle Hoba!!"

Jimin and Yoongi stifled a laugh, Youngmi always called Namjoon and Hoseok like that the moment she learnt to speak, and no matter what, it's still sounds funny to them.

"Today is really fun! Uncle Taetae and Uncle Kookie made us a bracelets, Uncle Seungkwanie told us epic stories about warrior princess and the trapped prince! And Uncle Jinnie make us a tasty mandu dumplings too!"

Yoongi put his hand on his heart, feigning offense "Are you saying my cooking is not tasty?"

"No! Mommy's cooking is the best and always the best!!"

Jimin smiled and hugged her "You're right, especially the Japchae he made for me, is the most delicious food I ever had"

Yoongi playfully rolled his eyes and smiled "Flaterer" he then got up and dusted off his hanbok "You must be famished, I'll cook us some food, but first... You two have to clean yourself up"

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