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Summary: Min Yoongi is an isolated young man, living in a rough familial environment, sick of living in isolation, Yoongi wished he could see the world outside his house, Park Jimin is a wicked demon, one night Jimin came to Yoongi with a very interesting prospect...

Word Count: 2.4k


[Devil Jimin is back, hoes]



It's really cold here...

A dark haired man hugged himself to warm his body, it was a gloomy night outside, the cold air outside made his room felt like a room made of ice.

Cold and lonely...

Yoongi's parents never give him a chance to see the outer world, they isolated him inside his bedroom and forbid him to go outside the house and not letting him seeing anyone

With a reason that they just want to maintain his innocence, like hell they did, all they do just imprisoned him in this house and treated him unfairly.

It's been 26 years he's been imprisoned and he demand freedom.
Yoongi just curl up in the blanket and looked at the night sky, no stars, just a plain black sky, accompanied by the sound of rustling leaves and howling wind.

"I wish I could feel the wind gently caressing my skin..." he mumbled as he read "The book of outside world"
Yoongi really wanted to run around freely, feeling the warmth of the sun and dip his feet in the refreshingly cool water of the river or lake.

"I'm sick living in this house without going out..." he then put his book away and hugged his knees "I just wish someone would come and sweep me away to a new world"

(Authornim, from the trash can: A WHOLE NEW WORLD, A NEW FANTASTIC POINT OF VIEW, NO ONE CAN TELL US NO OR WHERE TO GO- *gets yeeted by Jungkook's strong arms*)

"You wanted someone to sweep you to the outer world, hm?"

A voice said out of nowhere, Yoongi looked around, feeling alarmed "Maybe I can change that, dear boy" he might not look like it, but Yoongi feel slightly anxious, his room is always locked and only his parents had his room's key "...Whoever you are, stop hiding and show yourself"

"If you insist..."

The figure stepped out from the shadow, it's a young man with a dark brown hair and he's very handsome, and undoubtedly, ethereal

Yoongi tilted his head, he's intrigued by the mysterious man in his room but at the same time, he's confused too.

"Who are you and how did you get in to my room?"

The man curtsied at him with a smile "Good evening to you too, My name is Park Jimin, and I am here to grant your wish, Min Yoongi" he made his way towards Yoongi's bed and sit next to him, the human narrow his eyes, how did he know his name? "You want to see the world outside your house, yes?"

Yoongi nodded hesitantly "That and I want to explore the world so I can see what kind of art the world has offered"

Jimin raised his eyebrows in amusement "You're different from most humans, they all would wish for money and power, but it seems you wished something that connected with your own passion"

Humans? What is he talking about?

Yoongi narrowed his eyes at him.

"If you're not a human then what are you?" Jimin's sweet smile changed into a smirk as his hand gently grabbed his chin "Most astute of you to notice, I am what you call demons..."

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