Hug me tight, Never let go

3.4K 75 21

Summary : It's been two years since Yoongi and Jimin broke up, There are no happiness nor smile in their life only sadness and emptiness, one day their friends can't take it anymore and wanted to reunite the couple

Word count : 4.8k

Warning : OOC, Cringe, prepare a bucket in case you need to throw up, amateurish smut, trash af, full of cliches,

A note from Authornim :
This story is a rewrite from the story I accidentally deleted because Wattpad is drunk (or basically I'm stupid, which I am), the real title used to be "Never let you go anymore" with similar concept, that's all. Thanks for listening



Cold and empty, that's what Jimin felt at the moment... No, scratch that, it's what Jimin's felt for almost forever
No smile, no laugh and no presence that warm his bedroom or his house in general...
The usual bright room turned gloomy and cold now that, the man who's supposed to be the love of his life, Min Yoongi had left him...

All because of his selfishness

He condence that he was being way too possesive towards Yoongi, he just wanted Yoongi all for himself

He knew he was selfish
And he hated himself for that.

He looked down at his small hands with an empty eyes.

This hands once hurt Yoongi too...

A glint of sorrowful memories flashed before his eyes...

Two years ago...

"Yoongi, we haven't spending our time together recently, please tell me there's a good explanation for this"

Yoongi sighed and crossed his arms "Jimin, you know me well that working in the studio consume so many times, can you please stop making such a fuss about it?"
Jimin scoffed "Me? Making a fuss? that's a nonsense, I'm just worried about you cheating behind my back"

The older man let out a gasp and widen his eyes in surprise "You... You would thought I cheat on you? Jimin, we've been together for five years! and you still don't trust me?!"

Jimin looked at Yoongi, hurt engraving on his handsome face "I trusted you, Yoongi but you betrayed me by hanging out with other bitch instead of me"
Yoongi had enough of how Jimin never seem to trust him so he snapped "Park Jimin, for the last time, I'm just working okay?! I have to work this late for both of our sakes! Can you please understand why I had to?!"

"Well, you could AT LEAST make some time for me!" the younger sighed and buried his face in his hands "...I just wanted to be with you, is that too much to ask?"

Yoongi sighed for umpteenth time and slowly approach Jimin "Jimin, baby, I understand you want us to spent some time together but..."
Without letting Yoongi to continue Jimin punched him square on his face and yelled "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND AND YOU NEVER WILL!"

Yoongi winced as Jimin punched him again "All I want is that we're together and not a way around, you will never understand how lonely I am whenever you said that you're busy!!"

His breath went quicker as a single tear fell from his eyes, he then realized Yoongi looked at him, eyes blur with tears, a prominent purple bruise stained his face and there's a bit of blood on the corner of his mouth.

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