Chapter 2: Missing Reactions

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Taehyung POV

Time flew and Taehyung laughed with Jimin as they walked over to their usual seats at one of the tables in the school's cafeteria.

Students buzzed around and laughed with their friends, loud boys shouted to each other, girls giggled, people crowding everywhere. It bothered Taehyung to have so many human beings near him, but he didn't let it show.

"Apparently there was a fight earlier," Jimin said, picking at his food with distaste and obvious disgust shown on his face. "Remember that Namjoon kid?" He asked and Taehyung nodded, eyeing his food and pondering over whether he felt like eating or not.

Taehyung glanced over to the direction of the most popular table of the cafeteria. Every person seated there was popular for some reason. Some were popular for all their fights, others for their looks, others for their skills. But no matter what they were there for, they were all jackasses in his opinion.

Taehyung caught sight of the kid called Namjoon.

The boy stood tall, with long legs and a big smile as he talked loudly with the other kids at the main table. His hair was dyed a light purple and his eyes were dark, but they twinkled as he smiled his one-dimpled smile towards all the girls around his table. Taehyung cringed and looked back at Jimin.

"Yeah. So anyways," Jimin said, tracing figures on the table with one of his fingers. "I guess the dude got in a fight again. Isn't this the third time in just two weeks?" He asked and Taehyung stayed silent for a second.

"I guess so." He chuckled and Jimin smiled.

"How have your parents been lately?" Taehyung asked, and Jimin's smile fell.

The ash blonde sighed. "The usual. Dad left for the night so I didn't have to hear their shouting for too long this time but it still sucked." The smaller boy pinched the bridge of his nose as he thought of his parents and their loveless relationship.

"What about you and your dad?" Jimin asked, looking up towards his friend.

Taehyung looked down at his lap.

"Not good, I suppose?" The silence was his answer.

"Well I gue-" Jimin was interrupted when he watched someone dump water on top of Taehyung's head, drenching his best friend.

Taehyung stood up, his hair dripping and his clothes now sopping wet.

"Dude!" Jimin yelled at the boy behind Taehyung, who stood smirking as he waited for Taehyung's reaction.

The cafeteria fell silent as everyone watched with wide eyes, waiting to see if Taehyung would act out or cry. 

Would the boy get punched? Was the wet kid going to yell? Shout? 

Taehyung certainly did feel agitated now that he was drenched in cold water, but he didn't feel the need to get angry or cry. Anybody would feel embarrassed if they ever got water dumped on them in front of the school, but Taehyung honestly found it hard to express such strong emotions.

Instead of letting out tears as the whole school expected, he smiled.

The school was silent as they watched the boys smirk drop.

"I've had worse." Taehyung's deep voice came out, giving everyone shivers as he continued to smile such a genuine smile.

With that, he flipped his middle finger up to the boy before turning around and quietly packing his stuff then slowly walking out of the watching cafeteria, Jimin in tow as he sent death glares towards the boy, who stood shocked in front of the whole cafeteria.

Where were his tears? Where was his reaction?


Why did Taehyung have such a mild reaction? That's the question, here. I also, wish to say thank you for reading this story so far, and I hope you find the rest interesting, lol. Have a good day, smile at least once today and make sure to let someone important to you know they matter. 


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