Chapter 45: Cry.

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[ Goodbye, Cry. ]


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"Well, well, well." A rotten grin and the smell of alcohol welcomed the boy.
Taehyung's POV

Taehyung was far to scared to speak. It was as if he was a deer in headlights.

And then the first punch came. He was dragged by the collar of his shirt into the apartment, his feet losing their touch on the ground.

The apartment door slammed shut.
Nari's POV

She was crying, a literal mess. The entire house was a storm, everyone had found out about the letter.

Nari's 'parents' kept themselves locked away as they continued their 'very important' business matters.

Everyone else was a wreck.

Jongwoo had his phone out as he dialed anyone he could. He had the police on hold, as they still were unsure of the whereabouts of the boy.

"He could be anywhere!" Jungkook shouted. Despite the boy and his mistakes, he was almost even more torn than Nari.

The boy was a sobbing storm. The poor girl had never seen her brother cry like this before. His hair was askew as he shouted, pacing the rooms as he reread the letter Nari had revealed. Jungkook's eyes were wild and he couldn't seem to find a steady breathing pace.

At the thought of Taehyung doing what he had mentioned in his letter. Just- ending it all, it made Nari sick.

She felt another tear roll down her face and she took a pillow from a couch nearby and screamed. Where was he?

Confusion and heartbreak clouded her mind, all of her world crumbling.

Jungkook shouted once again, another wave of tears hitting the boy.

Everyone was a wreck, and Jongwoo had to leave the room so he could hear the emergency department.

But, with the look on Jongwoo's face when he left the room, Nari realized one thing.

They weren't going to find Taehyung, were they? Not in time, at least.
Taehyung's POV

💜(sensitive content ahead)💜

Taehyung coughed and red splattered to the ground.

Another fist to the gut, another curse. The boy wanted to scream. He curled into a ball on the floor, shaking.

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