Goodbye, Cry.

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So it's finally happened.
Cry has officially ended.
You have reached the end of the book.
(Yay you!!)

This book and I are emotionally attached. I published the first 13 chapters the day I joined wattpad. It's been here since the beginning, I've made friends through this book and so much has come my way. My life has improved and I love myself, this book and all of you, readers 💕

This book went through some rough times with me, and most of the voices at the beginning of the book were just what I had been thinking about myself at the beginning of 2019.

But now, I have learned that mental health matters.

So, please, it's never too late to get help.
You're never 'broken beyond repair'.
Everyone can get somewhere, but only if they start.

If you have background in mental illness, self harm or anything that you believe deserves attention or concern, talk to a trusted being (person, dog, tree, it doesn't matter). As long as you ensure that you have a safe place, things will gradually get better.

Mental health matters, and this book mentions graphic and serious topics that need to be taken with utmost respect and seriousness. People don't deserve to suffer.

You all matter. If you need someone to talk to, I'm open. Everyone deserves a voice and everyone deserves the right to a happy life.

This book is dark.
It contains suicide, bulimia, depression, self harm, abuse and much more.
So if any of this triggers any sort of negative emotions, I request you find a trusted loved one and discuss this with them.

No one deserves to suffer in silence. 

It's never too late to help yourself. No matter who you are; race, gender, sexuality, age, etc,.
you all deserve rights to feel alright.

So, please value your mental health and ensure your safety by taking care of yourself.

Every story should have a happy ending, and if it's not happy, then it's not the end.

So, on that note, thank you all for giving my book some love and goodbye, Cry. You've been there when no one else was, and I'm so happy to this day. I'll miss writing these chapters.

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