Chapter 23: Taehyung's Self Promise

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This is a filler chapter, so I'm sorry of it sucks.


"Why are you wearing my brother's clothes?" Nari asked, raising an eyebrow. 

Taehyung felt his cheek redden. Well shit. 


It was an award silence, Nari staring at Taehyung with rounded doe eyes, waiting for the eighteen year old to respond to her question. 

Fiddling with the sweater's sleeves that Taehyung wore (a nervous habit he had), he couldn't think of anything that would actually sound good. 

'My clothes smelt like sweat and alcohol so I took them off.' 

'My dad would have beat me if I wanted to go back to grab clothes' 

Would Nari make him remove Jungkook's clothes? What if she saw the cuts? Oh god, the cuts- 

Nari crept forward a little bit, grabbing a strand of his hair in between her smaller fingers. Taehyung was snatched from his panicked thoughts and flinched hard as soon as he felt unexpected contact. 

He leaned back and she quickly let go of his silver strands of hair. The girl raised a brow. 

"I've never seen anyone who dyed their hair silver before..." She said, seemingly distracted from her previous question of Jungkook's clothes. What a relief for Taehyung. 

Nari stared at him in wonder, her pretty little eyes admiring his hair. Tae blushed from the intense focus the other was now giving him. 

Taehyung looked at his bare feet, thankfully some of the extremely rare parts of his body that weren't bruised, cut or burned. 

Nari opened her mouth to speak but was cut off when a figure stepped into the room. 

Both the brunette and Tae glanced up as Jungkook waltzed back over to the couch, stopping in front of Nari with a slight glare. Taehyung observed quietly at the odd air between the two siblings. 

"You're in my spot." Jungkook spoke up, but his sister didn't seem to care. "Move." The silver haired was surprised at the icy tone Jungkook used on his little sister. 

"Well come sit beside me or Tae-" Nari was caught off as Jungkook simply shoved her off the couch and sat in her spot. His sister let out a cry as she hit the floor and Taehyung winced. 

"Bitch!" A loud slap as Tae's mother fell to the ground, letting out a cry as her body hit the floor hard.


Taehyung flinched as Nari hit the floor, her hair falling in front of her face as she supported herself with her elbows. This reminded him too much of his early childhood memories. 

"Kook!" She yelled angrily, picking herself up from the floor as she huffed. Her eyes were beginning to glisten, Taehyung beginning to feel conflicted. 

Jungkook was his friend. If he said something, would the boy hate him? But Nari didn't deserve this treatment. She was his younger sister after all. 

He almost laughed bitterly after realizing that thought. But when did the title 'family' stop the abuse from happening? When did calling yourself a parent, sibling or whatnot instantly stop all the violence? 

It never mattered if you were family. 

It never mattered to Taehyung's father anyway.

"Whatever." Jungkook shrugged. 

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