Chapter 1: Grey Feelings & Forced Smiles

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"Momma! Wait!"

Taehyung woke up, his eyelids still feeling heavy and his body like lead.

The house was silent, making him relieved. He didn't want Him to be up before he went to school.

Time passed until he finally managed to drag himself from his bed, scratching his stomach as he slipped off his mattress and onto his feet, wincing from his bruises body.

His legs screamed and his arms and torso felt sore, but that was no surprise.

His life had been hell before he had even reached the age of four.

Coughing, he slowly padded over to stand in front of a body length mirror and slip off his shirt, wincing at his tense muscles. The fabric dropped to the floor and Taehyung's eyes gazed over his pale chest, which looked as ugly as every single other time he looked in the mirror. 

Scars, bruises, cuts and scrapes scattered over his skin, overlapping each other in some places. Taehyung didn't even care anymore. It may seem sad, but Taehyung had seen his body beaten and bruised so many times, he had forgotten what it looked and felt like to have a healthy body. 

The teenage boy gently lifted a frail, shaking hand and lightly pressed down on one of the many bruises colouring his shirtless chest. A small spike of pain hit him and he had to restrain himself from pushing further just to feel more pain.

Instead, he sighed before turning towards his closet and fishing out an oversized sweater, just wanting to feel one piece of comfort before he had to start his usual routines before school.

His muscles ached and felt stiff. His father was definitely in a bad mood the night before.

Taehyung sighed as he slowly made his way from his dimly lit room, rubbing his eyes and yawning due to lack of sleep.

His body felt numb and his mind was almost blank as he walked through his small shabby home, the floorboards creaking, making him jump every time, praying it didn't wake the monster who slept just a room away.

Taehyung's home was small, living in a poorer neighbourhood where the people you usually met would most likely be the ones who were addicted to some sort of drug or had committed at least one crime. The walls of his apartment were a once bright white, slowly becoming yellow due to different stains which also decorated everywhere he went.

The smell of alcohol made him cringe, triggering memories, old and new, but Taehyung was used to the smell at this point. The odors of beer and cigarettes were all that filled his nose whenever he entered his home. He really did hope the smell never imprinted on his clothes, if so, he'd get a lot more attention than the boy would ever want.

The house was silent and Taehyung kept his breathing light, taking every precaution not to wake the monster.

He slowly made his way to the kitchen, his body adapting to the familiar feelings of the ache in his muscles and the fresh bruises.

Taehyung tentatively opened his fridge, looking around at the old food that sat in his fridge. Instead of feeling hungry, he felt sick when he thought of eating.

He closed the door. "Maybe later." He mumbled to himself quietly, turning to the cupboards to get a small cup of water before taking his pills.

Grabbing a glass, he silently walked to the bathroom and filled it halfway, watching the water flow from the tap with an emotionless gaze.

After his glass was filled with water, he searched the small medicine cabinet behind the grubby bathroom mirror.

Before he even opened up the cabinet, he cringed at the reflection of his face in the mirror. His right cheek was decorated in beautiful shades of baby blue mixing with a light yellow.

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