Chapter 14: Detention

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Oof, I'm sick and have to stay at home and from school, so I thought I'd update. 

3rd Person POV

"Good morning!" Jimin hugged his best friend in greeting. A bright smile sat, prominent, on his cute face even though he had been up the whole night, forced to listen to his parents' shouts. 

"Morning Chim." Taehyung yawned, dragging a hand through his hair. He hadn't gotten that good of a sleep as well due to his father having friends over the night before. 

It was the morning after Jungkook and Tae's hangout, and Taehyung would be lying if he said he didn't want to hang out with Jungkook again. 

Overwatch had turned out to be a lot of fun, the two of them sitting on Jungkook's sofa for two hours straight, binging on chips on laughing together at stupid stuff. 

Taehyung had left when Jungkook's brother arrived home with a girl, noticing Jungkook's discomfort about the situation before he decided to go back home. 

So maybe Jeon Jungkook was actually someone Taehyung wouldn't mind being friends with. 

Jimin and Taehyung slowly walked to their class, both of them tired but forcing small smiles to keep the other content. 

As soon as they walked into the classroom, Taehyung was greeted by someone calling his name, making him confused. 

"Taehyung! Over here!" Both him and Jimin turned to see Jungkook waving the duo over, a bright smile on his face. Hoseok also sat, giving a welcoming smile towards him and Jimin. 

To be honest, every single one of them was tired. Taehyung from his father. Jimin from his parents' fights. Hoseok from texting his insomniac of a boyfriend and Jungkook due to his brother and the hookup he had brought home right before Taehyung had left his house. 

Though none of them knew that, so they all kept their smiles and fake energetic attitudes up (except for Taehyung, who just forced a small smile but didn't really give a fuck.) 

"We were just talking about you two!" Hoseok said happily as Taehyung and Jimin sat in the desks behind the other two. 

"Oh?" Taehyung said, raising an eyebrow as Jimin looked confused. 

"Nothing bad of course!" Hoseok added, relieving their worry. "We wer-" He was cut off by Jungkook. 

"We were wondering if you two would like to join us in a group hangout tomorrow?" Jungkook said, making eye contact with Taehyung, a hopeful expression on the bunny boy's face. 

"That works out, Tae and I were hoping to go get our hair done tomorrow anyways, so we can meet up with everyone afterwards!" Jimin said, running a hand through his hair.

Taehyung POV 

Taehyung suddenly felt shy as he fiddled with the sleeve cuffs of his sweatshirt, feeling a shade of pink at the tips of his ears after the eye contact with Jungkook. Something about the boy seemed different to Taehyung now. But what was it?

"I'm thinking we should go do laser tag but this idiot," Hoseok patted Jungkook's shoulder, making the younger huff, "Says he'd rather go to some party or something like the boring person he is." 

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