Chapter 26: Taehyung's Escape

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Unedited (sorry not sorry 💜)

Jungkook stormed upstairs, wooden bat in hand and a deep growl rumbling in his throat.

Striding down the apartment's grubby hallway, the brunet only having his memory of taking Taehyung home that one time to rely off of for direction.

Stopping in front of the foul door with the chipped golden numbers, 31.

He could hear the shouts from where he stood, and through the red haze that surrounded Jungkook's vision, he looked around to see if anyone was in the hallway.

No one in sight.

Exhaling deeply, he attempted at opening the apartment door with it's handle, but it appeared it was locked. No surprise.

Smirking, an idea came to mind.

Stepping back a few steps, he lunged at the door and smashed into it with all his weight. He had to act fast, the longer he took the more Tae would be hurt.

Jungkook felt waves of protective emotion for the other boy, and the thought of someone hurting him made him seethe in rage. No one should ever hurt him.

The door didn't open, but it shook. Huffing, Jungkook tried again.

The brunet slammed against the door, this time with as much force that his body could produce.

The door flew back and he instantly marched inside.

His ears were greeted with the sounds of thumps and screaming. He grimaced, knowing the shrill screams belonged to Taehyung.

Clutching the bat tightly in his right hand, Jungkook sprinted through the grubby apartment, kicking beer bottles aside as he ran, stepping on dead cigarettes with each step he took.

The fumes of alcohol and smoke was all the brunet could smell, filling his nose until he was choking on the scent.

Following the heart-breaking sounds of his screams, he finally stopped in front of a bedroom.

His eyes widened at the sight, his heart faltering and leaping into his throat.

Taehyung lay, curled up in a ball, clutching his stomach as blood poured from his nose and a bit from his mouth. His hair was wet and plaster to his forehead, his eyebrows furrowed and Taehyung's eyes shut in clenched pain. His screams echoed throughout the room.

Jungkook's vision grew into a russet haze, his breathing becoming faster as he crept forward.

His dark gaze took in the familiar figure beating his friend.

The pudgy man had a beer bottle clutched in one hand, his bald head beaded with sweat and his few hairs left plastered to his head. The man looked drunk for sure, but the fact that he was...the fact that Taehyung's father was shouting slurred terms such as 'faggot' and 'bitch' made him angry.

"Fuck you!" Tae's father shouted and that was when Jungkook snapped.

Walking forward, he turned the dad away from his son with one push of his well muscled arm.

The two made eye contact and the father chuckled, making Jungkook chuckle as well.

The brunet spat in the man's face, shutting him up instantly as he stood with a shocked expression.

Without any warning or any hint, Jungkook swing the bat up to make contact with the old man's face.

With a thump, the father was on the floor with a bleeding nose.

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