Chapter 19: Taehyung's Father

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A kid in my English class accused me of having a hickey on my neck and I choked on my granola bar. Idk what he saw on my neck, but no one else saw anything and I don't know what to believe.

School is annoying and my depression is rising, guys, gals and non binary pals (wrong fandom I'm sorry).


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(Warning: Abuse! If this triggers you,  I will put a 💜 to signal that the scene is over!)
💜(sensitive content ahead)💜
Taehyung's POV

"Fucking bitch!" His father yelled as Taehyung coughed, blood splattering the floor in front of him.

The silver haired boy lay, curled up in a ball while his father beat him, yelling slurred profanities and insults, Taehyung gagging on the mix of saliva and blood and he whimpered in pain.

A kick to the ribs. Then a pound to his right arm. Another bruise to his legs. The pain just continued to come, slamming into him with the same force each time.

"No wonder your mother killed herself!" His father screamed, Taehyung laying on the floor with blank eyes, unresponsive.

"Why don't you fight back?" His father shouted and Taehyung visibly flinched at the sound of his loud voice before another kick came to his torso. Another bruise to hide.

Thwap. And another bruise.

Thunk. And another.

Smack. Another.

His father shouted and Taehyung wanted to scream, but no strength came as he continued to get beaten, an emotionless expression resting on his face.

The normal and most common reaction to the immense pain and suffering Taehyung was going through at that moment was to cry. But he just couldn't.

Taehyung felt unable to cry.

Everytime he wanted to let tears fall, he remembered his father's cold voice the same night of his mother's suicide.

"Big boys don't cry." He would whisper repeatedly, beating him every chance he could get for a straight month before Taehyung's father began to relax. But, by that time, the five year old Taehyung had already started to cut, continuing to abuse himself even without his father being there.

The kicks continued and Taehyung just wanted it all to stop as he lay without making much noise, instead he coughed with each hit he took, choking on the pain and the blood gurgling in his throat.


(The abuse is over)

Finally the hits halted. "Now get out of my house! You disgusting bitch!" His father shouted, picking his frail son from the floor with ease before throwing him into the hallway, slamming the door in Taehyung's face.

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