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So, I just came out to my mom saying I liked more than just guys, meaning I like girls as well.

It was freaky and I'm still scared, but bruh, I feel free.

- To anyone who feels you need to hide who you are to keep someone important in your life, just remember that the true important people are the ones that love you regardless of who you really are.
But now...I can officially make gay jokes about myself around my fam and I'm excited. -

But, once more, I want to tell everyone to stay proud.
You are you. Love who you wanna love. Be who you want to be.
If you like the same gender or have no romantic feelings, that's a-ok. If you are trans and just don't feel right in your body and want a change, that's fine too. In the end, it's your happiness. Don't work hard to make others happy while your tearing down your own smile.
If what makes you happy is something you feel you should hide, don't. Life is so short and you only deserve to be the happiest you you can be. So reveal who you are, show your hidden colours. I'll love you anyways, and the people most important to you should too.

And to everyone who faces the discouragement and phobic people that cause them to shadow their true pride, it's okay to stay hidden. There's nothing wrong with being silent, I just want you to feel safe and happy.

After all, your life is yours to make, so make it one worth a thousand lives 💜

Have a good night (or day)!

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