Chapter 42: Hope & Hot Chocolate

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I'm sorry for the late update!
Nari's POV:

She shouted in frustration, slamming her door.

Jumping on her bed, she screamed into her pillows. Why was she always treated so poorly? Jungkook and Jongwoo never had to deal with the disrespect or any snobbish remarks?

Fuck every single member of her family.

She hated all of them in that moment.

Sniffling, Nari could feel herself beginning to tear up. Soon enough, she was sobbing, hugging one of her pillows close to her chest.

The fifteen year old felt so frustrated. She couldn't say one word in this household without being scolded.

Jungkook deserved to be shouted at. He was the one that needed to be scolded! Why, oh why, was it Nari that was in trouble?

She sobbed once again. She wanted Taehyung. No- scratch that- she needed Taehyung.

No one else ever knew how to calm her.

If Tae were here, he would have sat down and let her cry in his shoulder. If Tae were here- Nari cried even harder.

Her room was dark, as the only source of light was the little fractions of sunlight peeping in through her closed curtains.

A small knock came at her door and Nari hid herself in her blankets. "Go away." She grumbled.

Another knock, a tad louder this time, came from her door. "Fuck off!" She shouted.

From beneath the blankets, Nari heard the creak of her bedroom door opening and light footsteps nearing her.

"Nari?" the familiar voice asked. The latter had hoped it could have, just possibly, been Taehyung. But as soon as she heard that voice, she knew it was none other than-

"Go away, Jongwoo." She hissed, keeping her head beneath the blankets.

A dip in the bed and Nari knew her brother must have taken a seat.

"What happened?" Jongwoo spoke softly.

A small tug to the blankets, and soon enough Nari's head was revealed. Her hair askew from being rustled around and her eyes red and puffy from crying, she looked like a frustrated little kid.

As soon as the girl's eyes landed on her brother, who gazed at her softly with a sad look, she felt her eyes water once again.

Instead of responding to Jongwoo's question, she tackled him in a hug.

As soon as his arms were around her and he kept repeating hushed reassurances that she would be alright, Nari felt herself slowly calming down.

So, maybe not all of her family should fuck off.
Jungkook's POV:

Jungkook sat, alone.

He didn't know what to do anymore as he laid on his bed and stared at the ceiling.

He had washed the blood from his nose, and refused to acknowledge the hickeys anymore.

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