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AN: I couldn't think of a full fledged story for this, so I decided to end it with an Epilogue. So, no, there will not be a sequel 🤷🏾‍♀️


Five Years Later

The sun had barely risen when Beyoncé opened her eyes on that June morning. Even though she was exhausted, she hadn't been able to get much sleep over the weeks. For the next hour, she dozed in and out of a dream state, until she heard the sound of soft pacing up and down the hallway. She listened for a few minutes and smiled to herself, just imagining the sight in the hall. Finally, she heard her bedroom door slowly open.
"Good morning, Blue." Beyoncé spoke as she heard her daughter  enter the room.
"Mommy, do you want to see my flower girl walk? I think it's perfect now." Beyoncé smiled as she sat up in the bed. Her daughter was such a perfectionist, maybe even more than she was. She knew her little girl had been practicing her walk for the past ten minutes, even though she didn't really need to.
"Sure, baby. Let me get up and get ready first."
Blue smiled and closed the bedroom door again. No doubt, she would go back to practicing her walk.

Beyoncé stretched her muscles and rubbed her aching joints before pushing herself up from the bed and making her way to the toilet to empty her bladder. By the time she finished washing her hands, he was finally getting up as well.
He smiled at her through the mirror's reflection, and stood close behind her. Beyoncé placed her arms on top of his as they wrapped around her waist. "Big day today." He spoke softly.
Beyoncé smiled. "Busy day. I'm exhausted already." He laughed and kissed her neck. "Hey, stop all that." She joked.
"Is everything packed and ready?" He asked as he stepped from behind her so he could get ready himself.
Beyoncé nodded. "Our stuff is packed. I'm going to get Blue's bag ready before we leave."

Beyoncé finished washing up, and then she walked back into her bedroom towards her vanity. Blue was once again in her bedroom, slightly touching all the perfume bottles, lipstick tunes, and dangling jewelry that decorated the shelves. When she looked up on the mirror, she saw her mother's soft smile behind her.
She smiled back. "Can I wear some makeup today? Just a little bit?" She pleaded.
Beyoncé's smile grew. "Well, I guess, since it's a special occasion."
Blue loved sitting at her mother's vanity and having her makeup done. It wasn't a lot, just light blush and lip gloss, but it made her feel as beautiful as her mother. Beyoncé also took advantage of that time to do Blue's hair.
When her mother was finished with her, Blue looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. "Now I'm pretty like you, Mommy!"
Beyoncé smiled and shook her head. "No, you're pretty like you, baby." She leaned over and kissed the top of Blue's head. "Go get dressed, then you can show me that walk."

While Blue dressed, Beyoncé did her own makeup, and then she made her way to the large walk-in closet to dress herself for the first part of her day. Her white dress was simple, but still beautiful the way it draped down to the floor. She was able to get it on, but she needed help zipping it up.
"Can you zip me up?" She asked, while moving her hair out of the way. He had finished dressing himself, and he was waiting on their bedroom loveseat for them to finish.
Once again, he stood behind her and had his hands on her waist. "Do I get to unzip it later?" He teased in her ear.
She laughed and shrugged him off of her. "Maybe."

She turned around and smiled as she looked him up and down in his suit. "You clean up nice, Mr. Carter."
"Not nearly as nice as you." He smiled and spoke just before receiving a peck from his wife. He then looked her up and down as well. "You ready for this?"
She smiled and shook her head. "No. You?"
He laughed and shook his head as well. "Not even close. But we'll figure it out, right? How hard can it be going from one kid to three?"
Beyoncé laughed and shrugged. "I guess, in about twelve hours, we'll find out."
"Mommy, Daddy, come see my flower girl walk!" Blue called out to them, breaking them from their conversation.
"We're coming, babygirl." Shawn called after her. "Has she really been perfecting her walk?" He asked his wife.
She shrugged. "You know how she is."


By nine o'clock, the family of soon-to-be five had arrived to the chapel to witness the wedding. They were greeted at the door by the wedding planner, and Beyoncé and Blue were escorted to the Bride's chambers, while Shawn waited in the church foyer.
"Blue, don't run," Beyoncé called after her. The little girl was so excited, she could hardly contain herself. Finally, they got to the dressing room.
"Auntie Candi!" Blue smiled from ear to ear and ran towards the bride. Candice smiled and knelt down to hug her. "Blue Bear! How are you?"
"I practiced my flower girl walk. It's perfect now!"
Candice smiled. "I bet it is. Why don't you go show it to Corey?"
Blue smiled even wider as she ran off to find her older brother.

When she left, Candice stood and smiled towards Beyoncé. "You look so beautiful."
Beyoncé smiles and held her arms out to Candice to hug her as best as she could with a set of twins in her womb. "Not as beautiful as you." She responded.
"Are you sure you have enough time to do this? I know your appointment is today."
"It's not until this evening." Beyoncé answered. "So, are you excited?" She asked with a wide grin as she sat in a nearby chair.
Candice smiled, and Beyoncé could see her blush. "Excited, nervous, and ready to get it over with!"
Beyoncé laughed. "That's exactly how I feel about this!"

Candice shook her head. "I can't believe you guys are having twins."
"I can't believe we're having twins either. Do you know how many diapers we went through with just Blue alone?"
Candice smiled and gave a knowing look. "I'm really happy for you and Shawn. But mostly Blue, she really wanted to be a big sister."
"That's because Corey won't let her do his makeup."
The two women conversed for a while before Corey and Blue came back to the room, holding hands. Since the day Corey first met his little sister, the two of them were damn near inseparable. He loved Blue more than any other human being on the planet, and Blue was just as in love with her big brother.
"Mom, the guests are starting to arrive." Corey spoke after greeting Beyoncé with a kiss on the cheek.
"Okay, baby. We'll be ready soon."

Over the next half hour, Candice and all her bridesmaids readied themselves for the wedding. Blue continued to practice her flower girl walk, and she even gave some pointers to Corey on his ring-bearer walk.
When it was time for the wedding to begin, Beyoncé kissed her daughter and wished her good luck before finding her seat next to Shawn among the guests.
The ceremony was beautiful. Blue was, of course, the perfect flower girl, and she was escorted by her big brother. Candice was then handed off to her groom, David Johnson. The two of them met the year after Blue was born, and he blended perfectly with the entire family. Beyoncé also had to admit that seeing her be happy with David made it a lot easier for the two of them to become friendly again.

The family attended the reception following the wedding, but only for a little while. Their appointment time was approaching, so they had to leave soon.
"Mommy," Blue called for her. "Will you dance with me just one time before you leave?"
Beyoncé's heart soared, and she couldn't say no. Although it was difficult, Beyoncé lifted her daughter and carried her as they danced on the dance floor.
"Are my baby brother and sister coming today?" Blue asked as they rocked back and forth to the music.
Beyoncé smiled. She'd been asking that question every day for weeks, and today, she was finally able to give her daughter the answer she wanted. "Yes, baby, they are."
"What are their names?" Blue asked.
Beyoncé laughed. "Baby, you know their names."
"I know," Blue smiled. "But I like it when you say them."
Beyoncé's smile had hardly left her face in five years, and Blue was largely the reason why. "Their names are Rumi and Sir."



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