Chapter 16

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It was early in the morning when Shawn woke up. His wife wasn't laying next to him, but he could hear her whining in the bathroom. He didn't waste any time getting out of bed to go to her. She was overdue at this point, and he knew the baby could come at any moment.
But when he walked into the bathroom, he saw that his wife wasn't whining in pain, but more so in irritation.
When she looked up and saw that he was standing in the doorway, he could see the frustrated tears in her eyes. "What's wrong?" He asked.
She huffed and held out her left hand to him. "Can you help me?"

He could see that her hands were swollen. So much so that her ring was tight on her finger. She'd been trying to take it off.
A few minutes later, and with much more whining from her, the ring was finally off.
She rubbed her sore hand and felt only a little less irritated. Shawn set her ring down on the vanity. "Baby, what's really wrong?" He asked her again, although he already knew the answer. Every day, she grew more and more irate.
Beyoncé teared up again. "She's a week late."
He rubbed her belly that had only barely dropped. "I know, but it's gonna be okay. Your appointment is in a couple hours." Since she was so overdue, she was scheduled to be induced. She didn't want an induction, but she didn't want to be pregnant another day either.
She nodded, but she continued to pout. Shawn found her pouting to be cute, so he kissed her frowning lips.

All through the day up until her appointment, Beyoncé remained in a mood. She didn't feel like talking to anyone or doing anything, and she certainly didn't want to be touched. Her mother was at their house to help out as much as possible. She made breakfast for them, but Beyoncé didn't want to eat. Her mother was able to convince her to eat some toast before leaving.
Finally, they were on their way to the hospital. Beyoncé was still feeling irritated, and she wasn't speaking much, so Shawn rubbed her leg. "Don't worry, baby. By this time tomorrow, our little girl will be here."
She couldn't help but smile, and she was actually starting to feel excited.

But a few hours later, the couple was returning home, still very pregnant. Shawn helped his wife into the house. She was more upset than she had been all day.
"What happened?" Solange had now come over to the house. Shawn was supposed to call the family once Beyoncé's labor started, but they never got that call.
Shawn helped his wife sit down on the couch. She was so upset, she was in tears.
"Her doctor got called into an emergency c-section. We waited for five hours, but then they told us to just come back tomorrow."
Beyoncé was damn near sobbing. Mad wasn't exactly the right word to describe how she felt. She was downright pissed. She knew it was a situation she couldn't control, but she still hated feeling as uncomfortable as she did.

"Baby, don't cry." Somehow, her mother's voice and gentle touch on her leg did help to soothe her sobs. It was the only thing so far that made her feel better. "What do you want for dinner? I'll make you whatever you want."
Beyoncé shook her head. "I'm not hungry."
"You have to eat something. You've hardly eaten all day."
But she didn't want to eat. All she wanted was for her baby to be out of her body.
It took half an hour for Beyoncé to finally calm down enough to eat something. She only wanted soup and crackers. After eating her dinner, she wanted a bath, so Shawn helped to bathe her. Her family catered to her and tried to keep her from becoming upset again.

It wasn't even nine o'clock when she decided to go to bed. Shawn empathized with his wife. He hated to see her so upset and uncomfortable, and he wished he could do something to help her.
When he finished showering himself, he walked back into their bedroom to find Beyoncé sitting up.
He frowned. She was supposed to be resting. "You okay?" He asked.
She answered his question with a question. "Will you do something for me, even if it sounds crazy?"
He climbed in bed next to her and gently stroked her side. "Sure, anything."
"Have sex with me." Immediately, he frowned, but she expected that reaction, so she continued to defend her case. "Please? It causes a natural release of oxytocin, which can induce labor."
"Bey, you only have to wait a few more hours. Your appointment is first thing in the morning, I seriously doubt anything will come in the way of it this time. And besides, you said it hurt last time."

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