Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"So, do you know what it is yet?" Shawn asked me as we laid in the bed. We decided not to go out, as I wasn't really feeling up to it.
"No. Gwen knows, but I didn't want to know." I laid my head against his shoulder, and he gently rubbed my belly as we talked. It's the most intimate we've actually been in a really long time.
"Why not?"
I shrugged. I didn't know how to really put my feelings into words.
"Why'd you go see her today?"
"I was bleeding this morning, but it's just a UTI. The baby's fine."
We were both quiet for a while before he spoke again. "I want to go to all of your doctor's appointments from now on."
I nodded. "Okay."
For an even longer time, we didn't speak again. We just silently laid in each other's company.
"I miss this." I whispered. "I miss just laying with you. Not having to talk about anything, but still enjoying just being with you."
"Me too." He whispered back as he kissed the crown of my head. "I'm sorry for overreacting."
"I'm sorry for keeping this from you."

At some point, I dozed off, and when I woke up again, Shawn was on the phone.
"No, I can't come over. Not tonight." I couldn't hear what was on the other end, but I had an idea of who he was talking to. "Candice, something came up....No, not more important than Corey, but something equally as important....listen, Bey needs me right now, and I need to be with her. I'll see you guys tomorrow....Bye Candice." He sighed as he hung up.
"What was that?"
He shook his head. "Candice says that Corey is upset because I didn't come over. I told her that something came up, and she hit me with that 'what's more important than your son' rant. I'm sorry."
"It's okay. But, if you want to go, you can. If Corey really misses you."
He shook his head. "It's after nine. He should be in bed by now. Besides, I need to be here."
I smiled up at him, and I was really glad that he chose me over them. He doesn't usually do that.
"We didn't eat dinner. What do you want to get?"
I groaned and pulled the covers closer to me. "I'm not really hungry."
"Bey, you have to eat."
I sighed, knowing that would be his response. "Can you just get me a salad?"
"A salad? That's all you're gonna eat?"
"My stomach hurts, and I'm not hungry."
He shrugged and started to put on his shoes. "Alright."

Twenty minutes later, he came back with my salad, a veggie wrap, and a chicken wrap for himself. I still wasn't hungry, but he asked me to eat at least half of the wrap too. We ate in the bed and watched a movie as we did so.
"Is it okay to be vegan while you're pregnant?"
I nodded. "Yeah, it's fine. I checked with Gwen." I noticed he still seemed to be uneasy. "What?"
"Do you think, maybe, just while you're pregnant, that you could break your diet?"
I frowned at him. "Why?"
"I mean, You haven't really been eating much lately as it is, and I just don't want anything to happen."
"Gwen said the baby is a good size, I'm not starving it."
He sighed. "I know. I'm sorry."
I haven't had meat in five years, but just to humor him I took his chicken wrap from his hands and bit into it. "Happy?" I smiled.
He smiled back. "It's good, ain't it?"
I scrunched up my face. "It's alright."

The next morning, I decided to get up early to fix him some breakfast. Or, at least I tried. The smell and the look of the bacon and eggs sizzling in the pan only made me feel sick to my stomach. I was leaning over the sink and feeling nauseated when I heard him come downstairs.
"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked as he saw me leaning on the sink.
"In case you need an argument for my being vegan, this is it."
"Really? It's just bacon-"
"It's a dead pig! Ugh!" I couldn't stand the smell anymore, so I left the kitchen so he could finish the food himself.
I couldn't even stand to look at it when it was done, so he had to eat without me. Before he left for work, he kissed me on the cheek and said good bye. I groaned a little when he kissed me, and he laughed in response.
"Still grossed out?"
I smiled stiffly. "I think it's more so the morning sickness, but yeah, still grossed out."
"Love you."
"Love you too. Have a good day." I bid him goodbye for work.
I, myself, wasn't very busy for work that day, so I spent most of the day cleaning the house.

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