Message From Marina

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Marina: Is this thing working

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Marina: Is this thing working..?

Marina: Oh, hello there~!

Marina: I bet you're wondering what's happening here...

Marina: ..and why it's just me here...

Marina: ..and what the point of this chapter is...

Marina: You're probably wondering a lot of things~! But, don't worry about any of those questions..

Marina: I've got a good message for you~!

Marina: Well... It's more of a message from a friend to you.

Marina: He's a good friend of mine..

Marina: And a good friend of yours too! Even if you haven't realized it.

Marina: His name is Seen... or Seenpai.. Not sure if you've heard of him, but you've definitely read his work.

Marina: He's a writer, y'know~..

Marina: Without him, I wouldn't have had much of a personality...

Marina: Or much screen time in general...

Marina: I'm really thankful for that too.

Marina: And because of that, I get to spend more time with you~ than I would in the GBP stories.

Marina: But enough of that! Back to the whole point of this chapter.

Marina: We reached 10k reads on "In CiRCLEs - (Reader x BanG Dream)"! Take a look!!

Marina: We reached 10k reads on "In CiRCLEs - (Reader x BanG Dream)"! Take a look!!

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Marina: Isn't that fantastic?!

Marina: I sure didn't think we'd get this far.

Marina: ..So I'm sure Seen is super hyped for it.

Marina: But as for the message he wants me to pass on...

Marina: He'd like to have a Q&A chapter since this is a huge milestone for him.

Marina: So let's give back to him by asking him a bunch of questions~!

Marina: According to him, the Q&A will not slow him down from updating the actual story.

Marina: And if anything, it'll boost his confidence and keep him motivated to write~!

Marina: If the Q&A answer chapter isn't up yet, comment your questions below! There's no harm in doing it!

Marina: ...And I guess while your here,

Marina: Why don't you tell me your favorite character, based off of this story!

Marina: Fufu.. I hope it's me~.

Marina: Uh oh... I'm reaching my word limit for this message...

Marina: Enjoy the rest of your day~~! And don't forget to smile! Life is too good to not enjoy~! Bye <3

In CiRCLEs - (Reader × BanG Dream)Where stories live. Discover now