"I can't explain it... But I guess... It's like.. being with you all gets my head spinning.. in circles!"
(Y/N) moves into a new city, to get a fresh start from his boring, old life and finds himself working at a Live House called CiRCLE. On his jou...
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[Event Venue]
I can tell this place has been hyped up a lot based off of the enthusiastic environment. There were countless crowds of people that all seemed to enjoy the event. Not only that, but the representatives from the other live houses were very friendly too.
Kasumi: Wow! All the booths look really impressive~!
Tae: There are even more booths and guests since the last time I came, and everyone looks a lot more excited.
Saya: It really is like that, isn't it. The enthusiasm in the venue is amazing.
Kasumi: Yeah, yeah! The performances look so exciting and professional!
(Y/N): Speaking of which, I think the morning segment is almost finished.
Arisa: Yeah... but we still haven't seen a lot of the booths yet.
Kasumi: Eeh, I want to see all of them, since we're here and everything~.
All of them?!
Saya: Woah, we should take our time to enjoy seeing them after our performance, don't ya think?
Kasumi: Yeah, that's true!
Rimi: But you know Kasumi-chan, you're really amazing. No matter which booth we went to, you were immediately talking to them as if they were friends...
Saya: Maybe that's what Marina-san meant by you not reading the mood...?
Kasumi: ...Eh? Not reading the mood... who?
(Y/N): Haha.. She was talking about you-
Kasumi: --Ah, look!! There's a place where you can take commemoration photos over there!
Arisa: And that is exactly what she means by that!
I'm guessing "that" refers to a combination of Kasumi's air headedness and energy.
Kasumi: Waah.. That looks so fun! Let's go there afterwards!
Saya: I see. The backdrop is a stage, so you can take a photo to make it look like you're performing.
Tae: Hm? There's someone dressed as a character over there...
I'm expecting a cosplayer, but why would one be here? We all turn around to witness a rather large, pink character. It looks nothing like a cosplay as it looks more like a mascot at a sports competition. It looks awfully familiar as well.
(Y/N): Wait... doesn't that look like Michelle?
Kasumi: You're right! Ooooi! Over here!!
Kasumi began to viciously wave her arm around trying to get the attention of the pink bear. But the only attention she is getting is from the onlookers and passerby's.