Oh, hi

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Some things you might want to know:
• Italics mean that you are talking to yourself aka your thoughts
• y/n = your name
That's pretty much it for now! I hope you enjoy the story!

I darted down the hallway when I heard the phone ring, but when I finally reached it it went to voicemail and a familiar voice filled the room. I was so glad I didn't answer.
"Hey... ummm. I guess you're not home? I just wanted to talk about you and me. So I guess that's it.... I miss you."
The voicemail ended. I groaned it was my ex, Ian, again.
"Just give up already dude!" I yelled at my phone. I ran back to my art studio, turned my music on again, and continued painting. I was currently doing a black and white painting of a horse. I loved animals so that's what I mainly painted. I didn't make a ton of money from this, just enough to pay the bills, they didn't think of the term "starving artist" for no reason. I went to dip my brush into the white paint again to find I was out.
"Damn it." I mumbled, "guess I have to go buy some more." I slipped on some shoes and grabbed my phone and bag. I breathed in the crisp, cold, Brighton air. I still had paint on my hands and some on my grey sweatshirt and black leggings (outfit pictured above) I wasn't the neatest painter. I didn't care enough to change though, I didn't have anyone to impress. I walked 30 minutes to the craft store, I didn't drive because I didn't have money for gas, and I have legs for a reason don't I? When I walked in I was greeted by my friend, Sarah who worked there.
"Hey! Y/n!"
"Hi Sarah, I'm back!" I laughed I was constantly here, either looking at things I wanted and couldn't afford or buying some things. I walked to the paint isle and grabbed a container of white paint. I walked to Sarah's checkout.
"Is this all today?" She smiled and asked.
"Yeah I just ran out and I'm so close to finishing the painting." I payed and walked out. A pair of blue eyes caught my attention as I was walking, and apparently I caught their attention too because they were looking at me. They were walking towards me. That's weird.
"Umm hi." The stranger said to me. He had an Irish accent.
"Oh, hi." I stopped and I got a better look at him. He had dark brown hair and sparkling blue eyes, he was pretty hot too.
"Sorry I- um- just noticed you around here a few times lately." He smiled.
"Yeah I'm an artist and this is the only art store around here so I shop here a lot." I told him.
"Oh! You're an artist. I guess that explains the paint." I looked down at my paint splattered clothes and laughed.
"Yep, I'm pretty messy." He laughed too. Damn his laugh is cute. I heard quick footsteps behind me and I turned around when I saw one of the guys eyebrows raise and look behind me.
Oh fuck. It was Ian.
"Y/n! What are you doing and who's this?" He went in front of me and glared at the guy I just met. Before I had time to answer him he turned around and towered over me.
"Is this why you're not answering me? Are you kidding! I wanted to talk about us and you just go completely cut me out of your life when you meet someone else!" Ian looked really angry.
"No, Ian! I just met him! I don't ev-"
"That's bullshit! Come with me we need to talk." He grabbed my wrist.
"Hey no! Let go." I yelled at him and dropped my paint can. He turned around.
"Let's just talk." He said through gritted teeth.
"Hey! dude back off!" The blue eyed stranger came in between me and Ian and pushed him away. Ian tried pushing him back but it didn't work.
"Y/n I'm going to call you later!" Ian yelled at me before turning around and hurrying off. I collapsed onto a bench and sighed.
"Are you ok?" The man said sitting next to me and putting his arm around my shoulders.
"Yeah. He's never done anything like that before."
"Who is he? Is he your boyfriend?"
"Oh God no." I chuckled. "Well, he used to be I broke up with him a month ago but he hasn't gotten over it apparently." We sat silent for a little while.
"Thanks for defending me like that." I finally said.
"Hey, no problem! He was being an ass I couldn't just let him drag you way like that." I smiled.
"Well. We still didn't really formally meet." I turned towards him. "My names y/n, but you probably knew that after Ian called me."
"My name's Sean."
"Nice to meet you Sean!"
"Nice to meet you too, y/n." He smiled at me and butterflies fluttered in my stomach.
"Well I better get going." I told him "I have to finish my painting."
"Ok, bye y/n."
"Bye." I started hurriedly walking away. Damn it! I didn't get his number. I mentally facepalmed myself. I went quite a ways before I heard my name.
"Y/n!" I stopped and turned around, it was Sean.
"You left your paint!" He held out the can for me to take.
"Oh my God thank you so much! I completely forgot!" I laughed.
"No problem! Well, cya!" He turned around and walked away. I looked down at the can to see a piece of white paper on it. I opened it up to see Sean's phone number on it and a little smiley face. I grinned and walked back to my apartment. When I got back I painted a little more with music blasting through my earbuds and then I decided to text Sean: (you're in bold and Jack is in normal)

Hey, it's y/n

Hey! How's that painting of yours going?

It's pretty good, I'm almost done! Crossing my fingers it will sell though 😂

I'm sure it will!

How do you know you haven't seen it

Just by the fact I can tell you out a lot of effort into it

Do you mean 'A lot of effort' as in getting paint all over myself



you were covered in it 😂

True 😂

I was wondering if we could meet up sometime for coffee or something?

Definitely! I should be free tomorrow afternoon...

Cool! I am too, how about I come at 12:30 and we walk to a cafe?

Sounds good!

Cya tomorrow!

(Texting ended)
After I sent him my address I ate some frozen pizza, watched Riverdale, and ignored a call from Ian. I fell asleep on the couch.

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