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I groaned as I began to wake up. I heard a little ringing noise coming from my desk.
"Ughhhh..." I hauled myself out of bed and walked over to the desk. I opened my laptop, and squinted at the screen. Sean wanted to FaceTime me. This early?! I accepted the call anyway.
"What do you want?" I groaned at him as I brought my laptop back to my bed, and sat down. I reached over for my glasses and put them on.
"We're you asleep?" He asked.
"Yes I was asleep! It's still the morning."
"Ummm.... y/n?"
"It's 12pm..." I watched him try to contain his laughter. I looked at the clock next to me. Sure enough it read 12:17pm.
"Damn." I burst into laughter and I heard him laugh too.
"Well sorry for yelling at you for waking me up! I should be thanking you. I could've slept the entire day." He chuckled.
"No problem." He mumbled as he took a bite of pizza.
"You have pizza?!"
"Yeah, I picked some up for lunch."
"I'm coming over!"
"No you're not." He scoffed.
"Is that a bet? Cause I'm coming."
"It is a bet. You won't come over here just because I have pizza."
"See ya soon!" I waved as I closed my laptop. I hopped up out of my bed and put on a striped shirt and overalls (you guys know the drill by now). I darted out of my apartment.
'On my way!' I texted Sean.
'I doubt that.' He replied.
'Don't test me.' I waited for a minute before texting again.
'I'm here, open the door.' I texted. I wasn't really at his apartment yet, but I wanted to trick him and make him really think I wasn't coming.
'Wtf no you're not.' Sean replied.
'Ha gotcha.'
'I knew it!'
'Can I still have pizza?'
'I'll pass it to you through the phone... 🍕🍕.'
'Yay!' That was the last text I sent before knocking on his door. I heard shuffling from inside and Sean opened the door.
"Y/n?!" He started laughing.
"I told ya!" I walked past him.
"Where are you going?" He called from behind me.
"I'm getting pizza! That's why I came here after all."
"Aww! it wasn't to see me?" Sean put his hand under his chin and gave me a goofy smile.
"Nah, just for pizza." I smirked. I grabbed a slice of pizza from the pizza box as sat down at the counter.
"Mmmm!" I sighed as I ate, "I fucking love food." Sean raised his eyebrows at me and smiled.
"So I don't get 'hello' or 'thank you so much, Sean, for letting me eat the pizza you bought for yourself'." He sarcastically commented.
"Nah." I flashed him a smile, and he chuckled. Sean grabbed a slice of pizza too and sat down next to me. Sean went over to the sink when he was finished with his piece of pizza and I got up also to put my plate away. I was walking I tripped over my own foot and Sean had turned around and caught me.
"Sorry." I whispered as his ocean eyes locked with mine. I became hypnotized. It felt like the world around me was spinning, but Sean and I stood still in the chaos. A knock at the door broke me from the trance.
"I.. uh, better get that." He quickly hurried off to the door.
What just happened? And did it mean anything to him?
"Took you long enough you Irish bastard." I heard a man with a Swedish accent say.
"Good to see you too, Felix." I heard some patting, they probably did a bro hug and then footsteps came near me. A man with blonde hair and blue eyes came into the room.
"Oh, hi!" I smiled, it was pewdiepie. I watched his channel some, after I found Sean's.
"Hey! You must be y/n, right? Sean never fucking shuts up about you." I watched Felix smirk and Sean glared at him.
"Yeah," I chuckled, "and you're Felix?" He nodded.
"Nice to meet you."
"You too." I smiled and turned to Sean, "Sorry about dropping by and stealing your pizza. I didn't know you were having company." Felix have me a weird look.
"Oh, Sean Skyped me and I saw he was eating pizza, so I told him I was coming over to have some. He thought that I wasn't actually going to show up, but here I am!"  I raised my hands in the air and Felix laughed.
"Don't worry about it y/n! We were just going to record a video together."
"Five weird stuff online!" Felix said, holding up a white trash bag that I just realized he had. (I know that the 5 weird stuff online video was wayyy before the Deltarune videos, but sorry...)
"How about you stay out here, eating pizza while we record and then we can all hang out afterwards?" Sean suggested.
"Good idea! What do you say, y/n?" Felix smiled.
"I guess I'll hang out with you losers." I pretended to roll my eyes, but then ended up laughing. They laughed along with me.
"Sweet!" Sean and Felix went into the recording room. I started watching Netflix and eating the rest of the pizza. I couldn't help but think about what had happened in the kitchen. I heard a few muffled yells from the recording room. The two loudest youtubers in the same room, what a great idea. After a little while, Sean walked out of the room.
"You done?" I turned around. He was shuffling through a drawer.
"Almost, I'm just getting some batteries for one of the ite-" he stopped as he heard Felix talking from the recording room. I couldn't quite hear what was being said.
"Are you cursing me out?" Sean called down the hallway and he finally found some batteries.
"No!" Felix innocently called back, but quickly whispered something else as Sean made his way back to the room.
"I'm gonna stab you.." was the last thing I heard before the door closed. I quietly laughed to myself and continued to watch Netflix.

Tiny time skip!
"We're done!" An Irish voice said from behind me. He covered my eyes with his hands before I could turn around.
"Hey! I can't see." I grumbled.
"Guess who?" He said.
"Wow, let me guess. Someone with an Irish accent so.... Felix?" I said sarcastically. The hands were removed from my eyes. I couldn't see out of my glasses.
"You smudged my glasses! I still can't see."
"Quick lets make a run for it, Felix!" Sean yelled and I heard them run into the kitchen, and I guessed that they hid behind the counter. I cleaned my glasses off with my shirt and put them back on.
"I wonder where they could be?" I said out loud. I heard some giggling. Wow, just like little kids... I walked into the kitchen and looked around the counter.
"You guys do realize you are two grown ass adults?" I laughed as I saw them huddled on the ground.
"Yeah, but it's more fun being kids." Felix giggled.
"Yeah!" Sean held his hands in the air in front of me, "help me up."
"Really?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Yep!" I grabbed his hands and hauled him up.
"Oh my god you're heavy!"
"I'm a growing boy!" Sean said proudly.
"Really? You don't seem to be getting taller."
I smirked.
"OOOOOOHH! she got you!" Felix laughed.
"I know I'm short ok! It's not like you're tall yourself either." Sean smiled at me. (In this you're shorter than Sean if you aren't in real life)
"Yeah, Yeah." I chuckled. "So what are we doing?"
"I don't know... go where the wind takes us!" Sean grinned.
"Ok! Let's go!" Felix cheered. So that's what we did, we literally went where the wind took us. We would wait for a breeze and then go in the direction that it went.
"This is possibly the dumbest yet best thing I've ever done." I said as we waited for another breeze. People were walking around us, giving us weird looks.
"It is pretty stupid." Sean laughed.
"If Jack thinks it stupid that means it really is." Felix commented.
"Hey!" Sean furrowed his brows and pretended to be upset. The wind ended up bringing us to a roller skating rink.
"Huh, i didn't even know this was here." I put my hands in my pockets and looked up at the building.
"I didn't either... let's do it!" Sean yelled and ran inside. Felix and I looked at each other.
"It's like hanging out with a toddler." Felix rolled his eyes and smiled. I laughed.
"It really is." We walked inside

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