Here we go...

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Your POV again!
After Marzia and Felix left, I hung out at Sean's apartment for a while.
"What do boyfriends even do?" I turned around on the couch to look over at him. He was in the kitchen looking for some food.
"I don't know," he shrugged, "hang out with their girlfriend?"
"Wow, then I'm doing a fantastic job at being a boyfriend then." I joked and Sean chuckled. He walked into the living room with a packet of Oreos and sat down next to me.
"COOKIES!" I reached to grab one but then stopped myself, "oh my gosh I'm so rude! Ladies first." I grinned at him and he rolled his eyes. He took a cookie anyway though and we turned on our favorite show. Eventually my eyelids became heavy and I rested my head on Sean shoulder.
"Being a boyfriend is hard work." I mumbled before my eyes completely closed and I drifted into a dreamlike state (you know what I'm talking about? When you can still hear and feel things but you're asleep at the same time.. it's super weird). I felt arms wrap around me and I was lifted off the couch. I felt myself being carried and I wasn't sure where, until I felt a pillow under my head.
That's when I fully went to sleep.
I rubbed my eyes and heard birds chirping outside of the window. I rolled around a little before finally opening my eyes.
This isn't my room...
I couldn't tell who's room it was because I couldn't fucking see because I'm really fucking blind so I tried searching for my glasses instead. I felt them on the little nightstand next to me.
Oh I'm in Sean's room. I vaguely remembered the feeling of being carried here after I fell asleep on the couch.
He took off my glasses too. I'm not sure why but I thought that was a sweet gesture. (If you guys don't find it sweet sorry but I think it is😛 )
My clothes were all wrinkled from sleeping in them, but I didn't care too much since I didn't have anything to change into. I sat up and looked around, I had been in here only a few times, but I didn't really look around. The first thing I noticed was the picture I painted of him. It was hanging right above his mirror. I saw a bunch of little septic sams lying here and there, gifts from fans I assumed. I got up out of the bed and shivered a little. It was cold when I wasn't under the covers. I searched around and found one of Sean's PMA hoodies and put it on. It was pretty big on me and the sleeves went past my hands.
Then, as I was about to leave the room, I saw a little picture of me on the corner of his mirror. It was on a day that we had gone to the park together and I was sitting on the branch of a tree. I had a big smile on my face and it looked like I was laughing.
I had completely forgotten he had taken that picture and I was confused as to why he had it in his mirror. I shrugged and walked out of the room. I saw Sean at the stove flipping pancakes. His dark brown hair flopped around as he cooked and he was humming a quiet tune. He was humming 'ocean man' and I decided to surprise him.
"Ocean man, take me by the hand" I sang along to his humming and he spun around, "lead me to the land that you understand." Sean laughed and he joined my singing.
"Ocean man, the voyage to the corner of the globe is a real trip!" He took my hand and spun me around as we sang, and I giggled.
"Ocean man, the crust of a tan man imbibed by the sand, Soaking up the thirst of the land!" We stopped and smiled at each other.
"Well, good morning!"
"Morning!" I replied.
"I see that you stole one of my sweatshirts." He smirked.
"Yep, it's freezing in here!" I exclaimed, "also, now I can do this." I spun my hands around in circles, making the sleeves spin too.
"I have nunchucks!" I yelled and started attacking him with the sleeves.
"AHHH!" Sean yelled, "I AM NO MATCH FOR THE POWERS OF NUNCHUCKS!" He fell down on the floor and pretended to be dead.
"Yay! I finally got rid of him!" I joked. I sat down next to him in silence for a minute until I got bored.
"Ok, it's boring without you." I lightly patted his face with my hand, trying to 'wake him up'. I saw him slightly smile, but he was trying not to.
"You can be not dead now." I said. He didn't respond.
"Pleaseee." I patted his face again. Still nothing.
"Alright! I guess I'll just eat all your food." I sighed and started to get up. That's when his eyes shot open and he grabbed my waist and pulled me down before I could get up.
"Ahhh!" I screamed as I was pulled down next to him.
"You can't have my food!" He laughed.
"I knew that would make you respond to me." I chuckled.
"You know me very well."
"Yep." I grinned at him and I blushed a little. He still had his arms wrapped around me, a big smile was on his face. I didn't want to move. I wanted him to keep holding me so I kept talking, hoping to distract him and make it seem like everything was normal.
"I saw my painting in your room."
"Yeah! You hung up my creepy one, so I figured I'd hang up your AMAZING one. Plus I was going to hang it up anyway even if you didn't hang mine up."
"Of course I was going to put yours up! I have a very large ego so having a painting of myself on my wall boosts it." I joked and Sean chuckled. My little plan seemed to be working, we were still laying on the ground and Sean was still holding onto me.
"So have you thought about making a channel?" Sean changed the subject.
"Dude you've barely given me a day to think!"
"Yeah, but have you thought at all about it?" I guess I had thought a little bit about it. It seemed like a fun idea and if it didn't work out, I could always stop doing it.
"Yeah a little..." I started.
"I guess I could start a channel." His eyes sparkled and he flashed me a happy smile.
"Don't get too excited" I laughed. "It's going to be the worlds most boring channel ever created."
"Nah I think it'll be great." He let go of me and poked my side.
"Ahh!" I squealed, I was super ticklish. Sean was laughing at me.
"Hey! Don't make fun of me! It's not my fault I sound like a pig!" I was laughing really hard and he kept poking me. I curled myself up into a ball, trying to protect my sides from his pokes.
"Oh shit!" The poking stopped and Sean hopped up off the ground. I lay there confused for a minute before Sean looked down at me.
"I forgot about the pancakes." He smiled and dumped the burnt food in the trash.
"Nice." I said as I hauled myself off the ground. Sean poured some more pancake batter on the pan and brushed his hair out of his eyes. I sat on the counter and watched him cook as I swung my legs back and forth. He turned around with a plate of pancakes in his hand and handed it to me. I gratefully took it and started eating.
"Damn these are good!" I smiled up at him and he sat on the counter next to me.
"Thanks." He took a bite, "Yeah, these are pretty good."
After we finished eating I headed back to my apartment and decided I would try to record a video for my new YouTube channel I was trying to make. I went into my room and rummaged through my closet, looking for my camera. I had gotten the camera when I was into photography, so it was a pretty good camera. I set it on my desk and sat down in front of it. I sighed.
Ok, here we go...
I pressed record.
"Umm, Hey! I'm not really sure what I'm doing, but I guess I'll start with some things about myself... my name is y/n, I'm 25 years old, and I'm an artist. I'm starting this channel because one of my friends really wanted me too for some reason." I chuckled and continued.
"So I'm mainly going to be doing vlogs and art videos on this channel, but if you have any suggestions on what else I should do please tell me! I would really appreciate it." I smiled.
"Anyways, that's it for now! Thanks to everyone who is watching this and bye!" I waved and ended the video. I edited the video just a little bit on an editing program Sean suggested to me and went ahead and uploaded it to my new channel named c/n (channel name). I laughed to myself,
no one is going to watch that video. Oh well..

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