Stupid kids

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We entered the skating rink to find Sean already tying his skates on. Felix and I rented some skates and sat down next to Sean to tie them up.
"This will be interesting, if pretty bad at skating."
"Jack can help you!" Felix quickly said and elbowed him in the ribs.
"Oww!" Sean held his side and punched Felix in the shoulder, "but, yeah I can help if you want me to." Sean said and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Sweet! Be prepared to watch me fall on my arse a ton though!" I chuckled.
"Nah! I won't let you." He smiled.
"Welp, I'm going in the rink, peace out!" Felix said before skating away.
"Ready?" Sean asked and I nodded my head. I awkwardly walked from the carpet to the wood of the rink.
"Shit." I mumbled as my roller skates started rolling. I started skating, not very fast though.
"You're not as bad as you said you were." Sean commented.
"You'll take that back soon." I grinned and then almost fell as a little kid came flying in front of me.
"What the fuck?!" I flicked the kid off, they didn't see it though because they were way in front of me.
"Calm down there, tiger." Sean chuckled and grabbed my hand that was still holding up the middle finger. "You can't flick off little kids." He brought my hand down to my side.
"I can if they're trying to kill me." I smirked. I lost my balance and almost fell, but Sean held my hand tighter and helped me steady myself.
"Told ya I won't let you fall!" He smiled sweetly at me.
"Yeah, yeah." I rolled my eyes. I thought he would let go of my hand after that, but he didn't. Not that I'm complaining or anything.
He must've really not wanted me to fall.

"How's it going guys?" Felix came skating up, pointedly staring at our hands.
"This fucking kid almost killed me!" I immediately told him.
"Yeah and she started flicking the kid off." Sean added and I laughed.
"Ohh! Is that why your holding her hand? To keep her from flicking off little kids?"
"Y-Yeah..." Sean mumbled, and I saw the ends of this ears go red.
"You do realize I have 2 hands right? I can still give them the middle finger." I mentioned and held up my other hand.
"Well then I'll just have to do this." He turned around and skated backwards and took my other hand.
"Oh, now you're just showing off." I groaned and Sean chuckled. I saw Felix raise his hands up and skate away.
"What happens if you skate into someone?!" I gasped as we skated around someone.
"I won't."
"But what if you do?"
"But I won't."
"But what if."
Sean rolled his eyes and smiled. "If I skate into someone then I'll fall down." He said sarcastically. He kept looking back every now and then to see where he was going. We continued skating for a while until my legs almost gave out.
"I'm tired!" I stoped moving my legs, making Sean drag me along with him.
"Alright, lazy bones, lets go sit down." We went back to where our shoes were. I immediately took off my roller skates.
"Oh my god that feels so much better." I stretched out my feet and put my normal shoes back on.
"You guys done?" Felix sat down next to Sean.
"Yeah." Sean nodded. We gave our skates back and started walking back to Sean's.
"Did you have fun, Felix? We barely saw you the whole time!" I turned my head to talk to Felix.
"Oh, yeah! I just skated around because you guys were way to slow for me!" He smirked and I rolled my eyes.
"I could've gone faster if I didn't have to drag this one around." Sean said pointing to me. I gasped, pretending to be upset.
"You're the one who volunteered to 'drag' me around." I poked him in the side and he poked me back. We kept poking each others sides until we got back to Sean's apartment.
"Well, as much as I'd love to hang out and be a third wheel, I have to get back home." Felix jokingly told us. I blushed a little and rolled my eye (I feel like there is a lot of eye rolling going on in this story).
"Aww! It was nice to meet you Felix!" I gave him a hug.
"It was nice to meet you too! We should all hang out again sometime, but I'll bring Marzia too, so I'm not third wheeling." Sean hit him on the shoulder, but then they bro hugged anyway.
"See ya later, Swedish bitch." Sean said.
"Bye, Irish bastard." Felix hopped in his car, and drove away.
"I'd better go too, I have to work." I hugged him, even though I knew I'd see him soon enough.
"Aww ok." He ruffled my hair, "Bye, n/n! (Nickname)"
"Bye Sean!" I smirked and giggled. I had purposefully pronounced his name wrong (seen). Sean laughed and I walked back to my apartment and he went to his. We had been hanging out a lot recently. We didn't even mean too, it just kind of happened. Like yesterday when he saw me at the coffee shop, and then today when I went to his apartment because he had pizza.
I hope I'm not annoying him... wait...
Oh God... What if I am annoying him though? He probably wants at least a day or
two without seeing me.
I quickly got back to my apartment and put an apron on. I grabbed dark colors and grabbed a big paintbrush. I started splattering paint on the canvas.
He's probably tired of being with me. I threw dark purple on the canvas.
Why did I think he would even want to see me today? Gray blue paint.
He's never going to like me the way I like him.
Black paint. I kept going, the canvas getting darker and darker like my thoughts. Next thing I knew I was curled on the couch, crying. I rubbed my eyes. This is stupid. I sniffled.

Crying over a stupid guy.

But he's not stupid.

I wanted to hate him for being so nice to me. For constantly making me feel warm and tingly on the inside. For bringing a smile to my face every time I saw him. For his laugh being so goddamn contagious, but I couldn't. I couldn't be mad at him. How could I? He was simultaneously the best and worst thing that happened to me.
I took a deep breath and composed myself a little. (Well that escalated quickly XD)
"Fuck," I mumbled, "I just had a mental breakdown because of a guy." Normally in times like those I would've called Sean, but I obviously couldn't do that.
I felt my phone vibrate and I picked it up. It was an unknown number, but I decided to take the call anyway.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hi! It's Felix." The swede responded.
"Oh! Hey Felix."
"This might sound weird, but I know girls like to... umm.. I don't know do girl stuff together and have girl chats?" I laughed a little and instinctively rubbed my eyes to try and dry them a little.
"Where is this going?"
"I was just going to give you Marzia's number so you two can get to know each other and maybe hang out, before me, Marzia, you, and Sean all get together."
"Yeah, ok cool!" He handed the phone off to Marzia.
"Hi!" A sweet quiet voice with an Italian accent greeted me.
"Hey, I'm y/n!" I said putting on a friendly voice. I mean I had literally just had a breakdown, and now I was talking to a new person.
"Y/n! I love your name, I'm Marzia, if Felix didn't already tell you for some reason." She giggled a little. We talked for a while until she stopped.
"Are you Alright?" She asked.
"Uh, Yeah. I-I'm fine!"
I'm not fine.
"Look, I know I just met you, and I haven't even really officially met you because I've never seen you before. However, I can hear it in your voice. You're not ok." I tear rolled down my cheek.
"It's kind of stupid."
"I'm sure it's not." She reassured me. So I started talking about Sean and how much I liked him. I don't know why I trusted Marzia enough already to know about my feelings for him, but she seemed like such a sweet, caring person. She listened to everything I said.
"Y/n..." she finally said.
"From the videos I've seen of you and Sean together. I don't think you have anything to worry about."
Nothing to worry about? I was about to ask her what that meant but she said she had to go. We said our goodbyes and hung up.

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