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I woke up feeling really happy. I was really excited and nervous to be going on an actual date.
"Oh god I hope it's not awkward.." I thought out loud. Lots of people's first dates are awkward, but I brushed off my anxiety.
"It won't be weird... Sean and I know each other enough so it won't." I reassured myself.

I hopped in the shower and enjoyed the hot water hitting my back. After I dried off I put on my glasses and brushed my wet hair. I turned on some music and blasted it through my apartment. I danced as I made breakfast and sang along, pretending I was actually performing. I was surprised I had never gotten any noise complaints, although I also didn't have very many neighbors considering this wasn't the best apartment building. With my painter's income I didn't have a lot to spend on an apartment.

After I ate my breakfast, consisting of bacon and scrambled eggs, I went and painted some more, still recording the process. I thought it would be fun to watch my painting come to life with a time lapse. The painting was of a little girl dancing through a field of flowers. She was wearing a yellow dress and the flowers were pink. She was laughing and throwing her hands up in joy.
As I painted, I smiled. It reminded me of when I was little and everyday I would walk to a similar field. In the spring it was filled with those same pretty pink flowers and I would sing and dance. I was carefree back then, no worries. That was all before my father left with my little brother, I wish I could see him again.

I sighed and stopped the recording. It was 1pm so I grabbed some of my leftover Chinese food and sat down on my couch with my laptop. I opened up YouTube and checked my channel.
My mouth hung open and I ran a hand through my hair.
"This is insane." I whispered. I decided to check the comments on my vlog.

I'm so glad you made a channel y/n!

This is the most relaxing vlog I've ever seen and I love it

Awe jack and you are so cute! <3

Can you please keep making vlogs?? You're hilarious!

I wanted to cry from happiness reading the comments. I quickly grabbed my camera and sat it down in front of me. I was still wearing sweats and a T-shirt but I didn't really care, I was so happy! I hit record.
"Hi everyone! I don't even know what to say right now because I just checked and saw that there are 1,000 of you?! This is so fucking crazy and I am so confused, excited, and grateful that people kind of like me I guess??" I laughed, "I'm completely not prepared for this, as you can probably tell from what I'm wearing." I gestured to my lounge clothes. "Once I checked I immediately started recording so I'm not sure what I'm doing. I just wanted to say I'm so thankful for all of you and I love you guys." I smiled,
"Thank you, seriously, from the bottom of my heart, thank you." I sighed a happy sigh,
"Anyway! That's all, Bye everyone!" I waved and cut the recording. I quickly edited it slightly, not too much though, and uploaded it.
I watched some more Netflix as I finished my lunch

Time skip!!
It was 6pm and I started getting ready for my date, I put on some ripped jeans and a beige cropped hoodie. (Pictured above!) I brushed my hair and went on my phone for the rest of the time. At 7 I heard a knock at my door and I got up and opened the door.
"You look lovely!" His irish accent greeted me.
"Thanks, you don't look to bad yourself." I smiled. He was wearing a blue hoodie and some black jeans.
"I love the color pink on you."
I don't remember any part of my outfit being pink....
I gave him a quizzical look before glancing down at my outfit. Nothing was pink.
What's he talking about?
Then I saw my hands: pink paint.
"Ohhh you think you're real clever don't you?" I put my hands on my hips.
"Yep!" He sheepishly grinned, "Ready to go?"
I nodded and we hopped into a cab to the movie theater. When we got there Sean got the popcorn and drinks while I got the tickets. We sat down and waited through the million commercials and trailers.

Eventually the movie started. As I was reaching for the popcorn Sean and I accidentally touched each other's hands. I covered my mouth with my hand, trying to suppress my laughter. I looked over at Sean and saw him doing the same thing.
"That was so cliché." I whispered to him and he nodded, still trying not to laugh.
"Want to see something even more cliché?" He whispered back to me. He pretended to yawn and stretched his arms. I felt his arm land around my shoulders.
"Wow." I rolled my eyes at him and he goofily smiled back at me. He kept his arm there though for the rest of the movie and I couldn't help but rest my head on his shoulder.

time skip until after the movie!~
Sean and I decided to go to a little cafe to get something to eat because it was late and neither of us had eaten dinner yet.
We both ordered a croissant and sat down.
"So, have anything else cliché planned?" I rested my chin in the palm of my hands.
"Those types of things aren't planned, they just happen." He grinned.
"Ohh, ok." I sarcastically responded.
"It's true! I didn't even realize that my arm was around your shoulders. I definitely didn't mean for that to happen." He was trying not to laugh, but when I started to laugh he did too. We finally got our food and we ate. It was the best first date I had ever had, no awkwardness just fun.

Sean walked me back to my apartment and we stood at my door.
"Alright, well I guess I have to go." I sadly smiled at him, I wished this day could've lasted forever. I looked down at my pink hands
"Yeah..." He took my chin in between his index and thumb, making me look up at him. We were super close to each other. He ocean eyes looked into my e/c ones. He closed the gap between us. We were kissing.
I was freaking out on the inside, but on the outside I was just kissing back, totally calm. He pulled away.
"Cliché enough for you?" He said smiling.
"Hmmm... I don't know let me check again." I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him again. He pulled me close by my waist and kissed back. I pulled away after a bit.
"Yeah, seems pretty cliché." I smiled and opened my door, "see you soon."
"Bye!" Sean waved and smiled as I closed my door. I lay down in the middle of my living room and sighed happily. After a minute, I got back up, put on some leggings and an oversized sweatshirt, and decided to check my Twitter because I was getting more notifications than normal. As soon as I opened up the app, I was greeted with pictures of Sean and I together at the cafe tonight.
"Damn, people sure are quick to post." I chuckled. There were two pictures. One of us looking at each other, my chin was in my hand and Sean was smiling at me. The other was us both laughing. I looked through some of the replies.

They hang out a lot dontcha think? ;)

The way they look at each other is so cute!

They just need to date already

I looked at a few of replies on the last one.

Who says they're not dating?

That's true! They've never confirmed or denied anything!

I laughed as I read through them. Before yesterday afternoon I would've scoffed at all these comments, thinking it would never happen. Before I put my phone down, I saw that Sean had tweeted something.

I see that everyone thinks I'm dating someone based on some pictures floating around 😜

I decided to reply:

It appears so....

Sean's fans were quick to reply to me. They were going crazy just because I had responded to him. I rolled my eyes, shippers are crazy.

I did my nightly routine: brush my teeth, wash my face, etc... and hopped into my bed.
I eventually fell into a peaceful sleep.

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