*wiggles eyebrows*

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I sat on my bed thinking. Thinking about everything and anything that came to mind. Something that I could paint, sketch, or draw. I had a little leather notebook where I wrote down and sketched out my ideas, but I was running low. So I decided to take the day to think. So far my favorite idea was a tree. But one half of the tree was alive with bright beautiful colors, and the other dead with no color. Only black and white. On the alive side a little girl would be dancing around, and on the dead side the little girl would be curled up in a ball at the base of the tree. Sounds kind of dark, but that's what I liked about being an artist. I had freedom with my art and it was a way to paint what I was going through wether it be pain or peace.
Love or hate.
Anger or joy.
I decided I would start on the sketch tomorrow. I sat up in my bed and put on my glasses. I got dressed in a light beige oversized sweater and some black partially ripped jeans. (as always... picture above :P) I brushed out my hair and put it in a messy bun, not really caring what it looked like. I grabbed my laptop and left my apartment. I walked down the street to the little cafe, ordered a coffee and a croissant, then sat down at a little table. I opened up my laptop and checked my website. I still had steady sales and I smiled to myself. Maybe I won't be such a 'starving artist' after all...
"Y/n!" Your order is ready." I heard an employee call. I got up and grabbed my order. I sat back down and opened up my digital editing program. I didn't just paint, but I also did some drawings on my computer. Sometimes it was easier, just because if I messed up I wouldn't have to go over it with layers of paint, I could just erase it. I sat in that little cafe for almost the entire day, drawing the things around me. My coffee cup, the outside through the windows, and the little lights hanging up around the cafe. I was lost in my thoughts when a man walked up to me
"Hi there, how are you?" He had short blonde hair and brown eyes. He flashed me a smile.
"I'm doing pretty good, thanks for asking!" I smiled back, trying to be polite but also slightly confused. "How are you?"
"I'm doing well..." he hesitated, "do you mind if I sit here?" He asked gesturing to the seat across from me at the table. Yes I do mind, I don't know you. He seemed harmless though and my politeness got the better of me.
"No, I don't mind."
"Cool." He sat down, "My name's Erick, by the way."
"I'm y/n, nice to meet you Erick." I slightly smiled.
"Nice to meet you too." He looked at my computer, "What are you doing? If you don't mind me asking."
"I'm just working." I didn't want to reveal to much about myself to the stranger, it was true though. Drawing was my job.
"Oh, cool. Sorry if I'm interrupting."
"Oh, it's ok. I've been working all day." We talked for a little while until I heard a tapping noise next to my ear. I turned to see Sean waving and smiling on the other side of the window. I waved back and he walked into the cafe.
"Hey, y/-" he stopped as he saw Erick. He must've not seen him from outside somehow.
"Who's this?" He asked, smiling at Erick.
"Oh! This is Erick. I just met him." Erick said a quiet 'hello' to Sean.
"I- Umm.. should probably go." Erick quickly said and gave me a piece of paper.

"Oh, okay.. It was nice to meet you!" I was slightly confused as to why he suddenly felt like he had to leave, but he got up and left. Sean sat down where Erick had been.
"Sooo..." He said.
"Sooo What?" I replied.
"Are you gonna open that paper?" I glanced drown at the little square of folded up paper Erick gave me.
"I guess so." Inside was his phone number with a little heart. I rolled my eyes.
"What?" I handed the paper to him and he looked at it. Sean looked a little upset? Why would he be upset. However when he looked back up at me he looked like normal, happy, Sean.
"Are you going to text him?" He asked.
"I don't know. Probably not. He was nice, but also pretty boring." I sighed, "plus, he's just not my type." Sean just nodded looking a little happier for some reason. Sean and I chatted for a while. I was glad he had showed up unexpectedly because I could've still been stuck talking with Erick. I had to admit I really enjoyed hanging out with Sean. He soon left saying he had to go record a video and I returned to my apartment. I checked his channel, to see a new video had been uploaded. I had already watched the  "Jacksepticeye's funniest home videos with y/n!" video yesterday. Today's video was the Deltarune one I watched him record. I clicked on it and began watching. He left in the parts where I popped into frame to say hello, when I said "fuck you", and when he smirked and said "you wish." I laughed out loud during those parts. It was funny to watch back. I scanned through the comments for a little while:

-"fuck you!"


-if jack and y/n aren't dating by now wtf is happening

-jack and y/n are cute

- Shawm!! XD

-Jack is mine back off :p

-I've seen y/n for 2 videos in a row *wiggles eyebrows*

I laughed at the last one, and felt my heart beating a little faster and my face heat up.
"Enough internet for me! I'm going to bed." I said out loud to myself.

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