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I finally decided on an outfit to wear to the Christmas party. It was a long sleeve white shirt, black skirt, black tights, and a red scarf (above). I set the outfit on top of the bed and I walked into the living room with my laptop. I sat down on the couch, setting my laptop in my lap.

I began to edit the cooking video while Sean set his own laptop on the coffee table. He left my peripheral vision for a minute before coming back with two cups of coffee and sitting down next to me on the couch. He handed one to me and I smiled at him.
"You're the best." I said before taking a sip of coffee. Sean smiled and started editing his own video next to me.

It took about an hour and a half to edit my video and when I was done i started cleaning up the kitchen. I rinsed out the bowls and trays before putting them into the dishwasher. I put the cookies into a little tin and placed them in the pantry.
"I'm going to start getting ready for the party!" Sean called to me as he walked down the hall. I checked the clock, it was 5pm already!
"Good idea!" I responded and I quickly went into the guest room. I put on my outfit and styled my hair. I sat down at the little vanity and put on a little makeup. I didn't usually wear any, but since this was a party I figured I should wear a little.

When we were both done getting ready we got in a cab and started the journey over to Felix and Marzia's house.
"Oh my god, Marzia is going to kill me." I laughed.
"What? Why?" Seán raised an eyebrow at me.
"I haven't told her about us yet." He chuckled.
"Well, she'll figure out soon enough."

Soon we arrived and payed the driver before hopping out of the car. We knocked on the door and it immediately opened to show a smiling Marzia. I quickly wrapped her in a hug.
"Hey guys!" She when I finally let her go.
"Hey, thanks for inviting us." Sean said.
"Yeah, no problem. Thanks for coming!" She ushered us inside. I recognized a few people: pj, Sophie, Brad, Sive, and of course Felix. There were a few others, but I didn't know them.
"I'll go get drinks." Sean told me as he walked off. I nodded and followed Marzia over to where Felix was talking to Brad and Pj. I greeted Felix and introduced myself to Brad and Pj. They were super nice and easy to talk to. Sean came back soon and handed me my favorite drink. Sean gave a quick hug to B and P (Brad and Pj XD) and we all just hung out and talked. It was nice, going out to socialize for once. I also liked how even though almost all of these people were youtubers, no one was recording or shoving cameras in people's faces. They all knew that they were here to talk and socialize with people and not to work.

I took the last sip of my drink and went into the kitchen to get some more. Before joining everyone I stood in the doorframe of the kitchen and just looked around. Sean come over and leaned on the other side.
"Having fun?" He smiled and asked.
"Yeah, it's fun getting to know a few more people that live around here."

"Jack, y/n!" Felix smirked as he looked over at us. A few other people looked over, and wore the same expression.
"Yes?" I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Look up." Sean and I looked at each other before glancing up. There was mistletoe above our heads. I rolled my eyes at Felix as he laughed. I smiled at Sean and shrugged. He shrugged back and pulled me closer to him before kissing me. I heard a lot of 'awwws' and I could feel Sean slightly smiling before he pulled away. He put an arm around my shoulder and we looked over at Felix, who looked surprised. Everyone else took their attention off us and resumed their conversations.
"Y/N!" I heard an Italian accent yell at me. Sean let his arm drop from my shoulders as Marzia tackled me in a hug, almost making me fall over.
"HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME??" She held me by the shoulders and shook me gently.
"Because I knew you'd react like this." I laughed. I walked back over to Sean with Marzia to see Felix patting him on the back. I looped my arm in his and smiled at him. Sean grinned back.
"When did this happen?" Marzia asked.
"Well, he asked me out the day you invited us to the party. Then he asked me to be his girlfriend the day after, so it's only been 2 days."
"Best two days of my life." Sean added.
"You're too cheesy." I rolled my eyes at him and he laughed.

We stayed at the Christmas party for a while longer before leaving. I looked out the window as we drove back to Sean's apartment. I watched streetlights and people go by in a blur. My eyelids where getting heavier and heavier. Suddenly I slipped into sleep for a moment before my head fell and I woke up again (I hate it when this happens). This happened a few times before I felt a hand gently pull my head down so it rested on Sean's shoulder. I felt a smile appear on my face and I drifted off into sleep.

I heard keys jingle and the sound of a doorknob turning. The chilly air around me was replaced by a more warm and cozy temperature. I snuggled myself more into whatever was cradling me and I heard a faint chuckle. I was gently placed down and I felt my shoes being taken off. I was still partially asleep so everything was vague, it felt more like a dream. I was changed into some comfortable clothes and I wrapped myself around my pillow, before falling back into a full on sleep.

I woke up to find the pillow I thought I was cuddling was actually Sean. I had myself wrapped around him like I was a koala bear. I quietly got out of bed and went into the kitchen to make breakfast. I pulled out Sean's waffle maker and made some batter. I poured it in and waited for them to cook. After I made two waffles for Sean and two for me, I put them on a plate and brought them back into the guest room. As I walked in I saw Sean roll over and rub his eyes.
"Morning." I smiled at him as I sat down next to him.
"Mornin' beautiful." He sleepily mumbled and sat up to kiss me.
"I made some waffles." I said as I handed him his plate.
"Waffles? You're amazing." We sat in the bed eating and watching TV for a while. When we were done I took Sean's plate and mine to wash them.
"You don't have to take mine, I can do it." He said trying to get up.
"Oh no you don't," I pushed him back down, "you took care of me last night, so I'm taking care of You you this morning."
"That was nothing." He smiled.
"You didn't even wake me up to make me change." I gestured to my T-shirt and sweatpants he put me in.
"That was the best part." He smirked.
"Sean!" I playfully slapped him on the shoulder.
"What?" He defensively raised his hands.
"You know what!" I rolled my eyes and took the plates to the kitchen.

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