What are you doing?

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Sean and I strolled down the rocky shores of the beach. I was in a giggling fit because he kept making really stupid jokes. I pointed the camera at him.
"What.. ar-are you even... doing?!" I said in between laughs, as he hopped up on a big rock.
"I'm a crab!" He made his hands into pinchers and scurried around on the rock. I laughed even harder.
It was just one of those moments when EVERYTHING was funny, even the dumbest things.

I joined him one the rock and pretended to be a crab too. I watched as an older couple walked by, giving us weird looks, like they were annoyed that we were having fun.
"They were a bit crabby don't you think?" I smirked and said to Sean when they were far enough away. Sean slowly turned to me with his hand covering his smiling mouth.
"No no no no no." He mumbled, his hand blocking most of the sound. "You didn't."
"Oh yes yes yes I did." I replied. He finally burst out laughing.
"Oh my god!" He was on the ground at this point, "I am no match for the cheesiness of puns!" He tried to stop laughing to catch his breath. I sat down next to him and pointed the camera my face.
"Well, how was that for my first vlog? Comment down what you think, I need feedback so that this little channel can grow and I can do videos that you guys can enjoy!"  I smiled, "thank you guys for watching! Bai!!"
I waved and ended the recording. I lay down on the rock on my back. Sean lay down next to me. I turned my head to meet his gaze and he smiled at me.
"You know, your eyes are the exact same color as the ocean." I commented, then threw my hand over my mouth, "oh shit, that probably sounded weird."
"Nah, But thank you, if that was a compliment." Sean chuckled (All I can think about is the song ocean eyes, by Billie eilish when writing this.)
"Yeah, I guess it was." I awkwardly laughed a little.
We looked into each others eyes for a moment. Our faces were super close, and Sean opened his mouth to say something.
"I- Uh.. have something t-to tell you." He stuttered.
"I.. umm.. well I li-" He was cut off by a voice  calling and footsteps approaching us.

We both sat up quickly, it was Felix and Marzia!
"Oh, hey guys! I didn't expect you two to be here." Felix smiled.
"Marzia!" I jumped up and ran towards her.
"Y/n!" We hugged, while Sean and Felix greeted each other with a pat on the back.
"It's funny that we ran into you guys because I was about the call and ask if you all wanted to come to our Christmas party this Saturday!" Marzia told Sean and I.
"Yeah, it'd be awesome if you guys could come." Felix added with a nod.
"I'm free!" I excitedly answered.
"I am too." Sean smiled
"Sweet! Party starts at 6." Felix added.
"Ok, see ya there!" I said as Felix and Marzia walked off together down the beach, holding hands.
"Awww they're so cute!" I held my hands together under my chin and grinned at the couple. Sean laughed at me.
"What? I'm going to be single forever so I like to see people happy and together." I said.
"forever?" He raised an eyebrow and smiled.
"Yep! I'm a single Pringle." I chuckled.
"I doubt you'll be single forever."
"Well I don't see any guys lining up to date me." I gestured around me. Sean shuffled over to stand in front of me and he took my hand.
"Umm... what are you doing?" I smiled, confused.
"I'm lining up." He said and smiled nervously, "Will you go out with me? Like on a date?"


My eyes widened, and a smile formed on my surprised face.
I stood there, trying to form words.
"So, should I take the smile as a yes? Or are you trying to let me down easy?" Seán nervously asked.
"Y-Yes!" I finally found my voice, "I'll go out with you."
A smiled formed on Sean's face and he breathed a sigh of relief.
"Thank god! That was scary!"
"Scary? You were scared to ask out lil ol' me?" I smiled sweetly at him.
"Yes! That was terrifying!" He chuckled.
"Well, i'll give you props for being real smooth about it." I laughed.
"I am the smooth king." He smirked and ran his hand through this hair to 'slick it back' but it just ended up sticking straight up.
"Wow, Nice." We both laughed.

(Tiny time skip!)
Sean walked me back to my apartment when the sun started to go down.
"Well, when are you going to take me out?" I smiled in the doorway.
"Hmmm..." he thought for a minute, "how about at 7 tomorrow night for a movie?"
"Sounds good! Are you coming to pick me up?"
"Yeah!" Sean smiled, "cya tomorrow."
"Bye!" I closed the door and a huge grin formed on my face.
I'm going out with Sean!
I didn't consider the time we went to a coffee shop when we first met a 'date', that was more to get to know each other.

I ordered some Chinese food and put on some gray sweats and a t-shirt. I went into my art studio and painted for a little while, recording at the same time so I would have something to upload in a few days. When I heard a knock at the door, I stopped painting and opened it.
It was my Chinese food! I payed, thanked the delivery person, and took my food to my room.  I started to edit the vlog and I found myself smiling at the parts that Sean was in. I tried making my boring trip to the store more interesting and by the time I was done it wasn't half bad! I titled it: My First Video!~ vlog.
I uploaded it and took another bite of my food.
"I hope people like me..." I said out loud.
I had gotten some good comments on my little introduction video, but this was like the real test.
To see if people actually like me...
I turned on the TV and opened up Netflix. I began to watch my favorite show.

As I brushed a piece of my hair behind my ear, I noticed my hand had splotches of paint on it. I smiled, remembering when Sean and I first met and we laughed about how I was covered in paint. I took a picture of my hand with my phone and sent it to Sean.

Y/n: I feel like my hands are never clean~ :I

Sean: lol yeah. There is rarely a time when your hand isn't a different color than it should be

Y/n: oh well... who said being clean and organized is fun anyways?!

Sean: exactly! Well except when you get buried in a pile of clothing...

Y/n: ....
That only happened once


I laughed out loud, remembering a time where i was looking for my phone and Sean was at my apartment. As I searched through my clothes I just kept getting deeper and deeper (that's what she said... sorry I had to xD) until I had buried myself in my clothes.

Y/n: Nah, I was fine

I turned my attention back to the TV until I eventually fell asleep.

A/n: hello to the 2 people who are reading this! I hope you are enjoying the story so far because I'm enjoying writing it~ plus Sean just asked you out!!! YAY FINALLY IM SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG 😂

Also thank you so much for 50 reads! It may not seem like a lot but it really is to me!

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