I'm here for you

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The next few weeks went very well for me. I finished several new paintings and people were still wanting to buy my work. I also hadn't run into Ian again, that's a big plus. Sean and I hung out as much as we could, it was so fun. Sean was the best thing that had happened to me. He was so carefree and childish (not in a bad way of course) but could be serious and concerned at the right times.
You know how life goes though. When good things happen,
something bad is bound to happen.
I was sitting down on my couch reading a book when my phone started ringing. I picked it up and answered it and an unfamiliar voice started speaking.
"Hello, is this y/n m/n l/n?" They said.
"Umm, yes?" I answered.
"Ok, I'm afraid I have some bad news for you. Your mother has just passed away from an unexpected heart attack." My world stopped and my body went numb.
"O-ok, thank you for telling m-me." I struggled to get out without crying. I quickly hung up and lay back down on the couch. That's when it happened. I broke down. The tears were coming out, with no sign of stopping. Thats when Ian decided to call me again for the 100th time. I decided I would finally answer, the anger quickly building up.
"So she finally decided to ans-." I quickly cut him off.
"JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY!" I yelled at him through the phone. "I DONT want to talk to you and I'm NEVER going to answer your calls. SO STOP TRYING!" I hung up and the anger faded to be replaced by grief again.
That's how it was for 3 days. I just sat, teary eyed, trying to wake up from this awful dream that was now my life. My mom and I had been so much closer than most. I told her everything and we hardly fought. When I moved from Ireland to Brighton we weren't able to talk much and I missed her. But now I'll never be able to go visit her. I had no other family to go to. My dad ran off with my little brother when I was 10.
So I just stayed in my apartment. Then I heard a knock at the door. I didn't answer. I heard another knock and a voice.
"Y/n?!" It was Sean. "I don't know if you're in there, but you haven't answered any of my calls or texts. Are you ok?"
I looked down at my phone, I did have several messages from him, but i didn't feel like answering. I heard him sit down with his back on the door. I crawled over and did the same on the other side of the door. He must have heard me.
"Y/n?" I still couldn't speak, fearing I would start crying again. A piece of paper slid under the door. I read it.
"Are you there?"  I wrote on the note "yes" and slid it back through. I heard Sean gasp when he saw it. It slid back under.
"Are you ok?"
"Not really." I replied.
"Please open the door."  I struggled to my feet and unlocked the door. I heard Sean jump up. I opened the door and Sean jumped on me. I almost fell to the ground, he was hugging me. I quickly hugged back tears falling again. His hug was so warm and comforting and he didn't say anything. We sat on the ground, Sean still hugging me. He then pulled away and took my hand, pulling me off the ground and took me to the couch, where I sat down.
"Hold on." He said and he walked down the hall. I heard a door open, then close and he came walking back with my favorite fluffy blanket. He wrapped it around me and then went to my kitchen. He came back with my ice cream tub and a spoon. He handed it to me and I ate some ice cream he then sat down next to me. I felt myself crying again partially because he had just done something so nice and partially because.. well you know, grief.
"Will you please talk to me now?" He took one of my hands in his. I took a breath.
"M-my.... mom... she uh." I struggled. "She um... s-she died." A new wave of grief washed over me. I hung my head down and I felt Sean wrap me in his arms again. I eventually composed myself.
"Thank you." I whispered. Sean stayed silent for a second.
"I was worried about you." He finally said and pulled away to look me in the eyes. "I thought you had gotten hurt or something." I sighed.
"Sorry about that..." I mumbled and hung my head. He took my chin in his hand and lifted my head up so I looked into his eyes.
"There's nothing to be sorry for, but please, tell me when you're hurting. I'm here for you." I was trapped in his eyes, like I was being hypnotized.
"that's what friends are for right?" He quickly added.
"Yeah..." i wish we were more than friends though. I wanted to add, but couldn't. I took another bite of ice cream.
"You want some?" I asked and pointed to the whole tub of ice cream he had gotten for me.
"Nah, I'm ok." He tried to decline.
"I'm pretty sure I know you love ice cream. So go get a spoon." I smiled and he jumped up and ran to the kitchen.
"Thanks!" He said as he jumped back on the couch next to me and ate some ice cream. We turned on our f/s (favorite show) and Sean showed no signs of leaving. Not that i'm complaining, I was so grateful for him being with me especially when I needed someone the most. Eventually I fell into some much needed sleep.

Sean's pov! (Yay):
It was the 3rd time I'd called y/n today and she still didn't answer. She hadn't been answering for the past few days and I was so worried. What if something happened?! I cant lose her. I decided to go over to her apartment so I put on some shoes and ran out the door. I hurried down the sidewalk. It was only a 15 minute walk, but it felt like forever. Damn it! I should have gone to check on her earlier! I thought, mad at myself. As I reached her door I thought I heard her sobbing.
"Y/n?!" I said urgently and knocked. I listened and was met with only silence. "I don't know if you're in there, but you haven't answered any of my calls or texts. Are you ok?" Still nothing. I sighed and sat down, leaning my back on the door. I heard movement from inside and it felt like y/n sat down on the other side.
"Y/n?" Silence again. So she is in there, but she won't talk. I suddenly had an idea. I pulled a scrap of paper and a pen out of my back pocket and wrote: "Are you there?" I slid it under the door and soon enough it came back to me. It read "yes" I wrote "Are you ok?" And she replied with "not really"
"Please open the door." I wrote, crossing my fingers. I heard some shuffling and I jumped up. As soon as the door opened I tackled her in a hug. I heard her being to cry again and we fell to the ground. I didn't say anything. Sometimes the best thing to do is just be there. I eventually let go, but took her hand and let her sit down on the couch.
That's when I really saw her. She looked so small and fragile. Her eyes were puffy and she looked so tired. I felt a lump in my own throat. What happened? And why didn't she tell me about it? I went down the hall to her room and grabbed her favorite blanket and wrapped her in it. I then went and got some ice cream for her, ice cream usually cheers people up.
"Now will you talk to me?" I finally whispered. She sighed and told me her mother had died. I quickly wrapped her in another hug.
"Thanks." She whispered.
"I was worried about you." I looked into her tired, but still beautiful e/c (eye color) eyes. She apologized.
"There's nothing to be sorry for, but please, tell me when you're hurting. I'm here for you." Oh shit too much right now. "That's what friends are for, right?" I quickly added. I really wanted to tell her about how seeing her made my world light up, how she made me feel like a million butterflies were constantly fluttering in my stomach, and how beautiful she was. But I couldn't. Especially not right now.
"Yeah." She nodded. "Do you want some?" She pointed to the ice cream. I tried to decline the offer, even though I actually did want some. She, however, knew me too well and made me go get a spoon so I could have some too. For the rest of the night we watched some TV, until she fell asleep. I carefully picked her up and carried her to her room. I went back into the living room and fell asleep on the couch.

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