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I had just finished painting the little girl in the field of flowers. I took off my apron and checked the time: 11:23am. I threw on a light gray sweater, black jeans, and a beanie. (Above again~ Do I even have to keep telling you guys this?)

I grabbed my purse and put my phone in it before I picked up my camera.

"Hello lovelies! I figured I'd do a vlog because I'm going out of my apartment and that rarely happens! I'm going to be getting some more art supplies and then I'm not really sure. Maybe get some coffee, or go to the park. Who knows? I'm a spontaneous person! I might just come back to my apartment after and chill for a while." I laughed, "why do you guys watch me? I'm the most boring person! All I do is stay in my apartment and drink coffee!"
I put on my white converse and walked out my apartment door. As I walked out I bumped into someone.
"Oh I'm so sorry!" I quickly apologized, and then froze. It was Erick?
"Oh, so you're sorry now?! I thought I should be the one apologizing!" He looked angry, "I'm sorry that I made you feel uncomfortable."
What is going on? When I first met him he seemed really sweet.
"What do you mean?" I have him a confused look.
"On that stupid video you posted you went on about how you 'just had the most awkward encounter of your life'! It was awkward for you?! I'm the one who took a chance and gave you my number and you don't even text me? Not even once?"
How did he find my channel so fast?
My back was against the wall at this point as he practically spat his words out. He loomed, furious, over me. I wished I could shrink into a tiny ball and disappear.
"I'm so sorry, Erick. I'm not good at letting people down easy because I've never had to do that. I know it was uncomfortable for you, which is why I felt bad about it too because I didn't want to hurt your feelings." I nervously whispered.
"Well you fucked up!" I turned my face away, trying to avoid his glare.
How did this happen? And why is he here?

Wait, why was he at my door?

I began panicking.
"W-why were you in f-front of my door?"
"Because I was finally going to give you a piece of my mind." He hissed and his fist hit the wall beside me. I was scared for what was going to happen next, but luckily I didn't find out because he was suddenly pulled backwards and he fell to the ground.
Sean was standing behind him, his hand balled in a fist.

"Sean?" I rushed over to him and hugged him tightly. I buried my head in his chest and he wrapped his arms around me protectively.
"Are you ok?" He asked with concern in his voice. I nodded.
"I am now." I heard some shuffling and I turned my head to see Erick getting up. Sean gently guided me behind him with his arm.
"Fuck off man! This isn't any of your business!" Erick said furiously.
"It is my business! Leave y/n alone." Sean warned him. Erick huffed and shifted his angry glare over to me, peeking out from behind Sean.
"I'll get you back one day." And then he stormed off. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and collapsed to the ground with my back against the wall. Sean sat down next to me and wrapped his arms around me again. I rested my head on his shoulder and he kissed the top of my head, making me slightly smile.
"What happened?" He asked me quietly. I told him how I was going out to get some art stuff/ vlog and I ran into Erick as I was leaving. Then how he was mad at me for not liking him.
"Sean, I'm scared." I whispered, "he said he was coming over to give me a piece of his mind. He knows where I live." The world around me was becoming blurry as my eyes filled with tears.
"Hey, it's ok," he said trying to calm me down, "You can stay at my place for a while until things calm down over here or until you feel safe again." He rubbed my back in circular motions and I closed my eyes. I sighed.
"Thank you." I opened my eyes again and looked up at him, smiling.
"No problemo." He smiled back at me. I looked at the other side of the hall to see my camera facing us, still recording.
"Woah, I got all that on video." I crawled over to my camera and turned it off. Sean stood up and took my hand to help me off the ground.
"Alright, you want to grab some of your stuff?" I nodded and went into my apartment.

I grabbed a bag and stuffed some of the necessities: toothbrush, toothpaste, some clothes, my phone, laptop, camera, some painting stuff, etc...
"Ready to go?" He sweetly asked me.
"Yeah." He took my hand in his and we began walking to his apartment. The walk there was mostly quiet but I enjoyed the peaceful nature of it.
"This has happened twice now." I finally said.
Sean hummed in a questioning tone.
"When we first met you defended me from Ian."
"Oh yeah, I guess it has happened twice." He pulled me closer to me and put an arm around my shoulders as we walked.
"Third times a charm, right?" I half heartedly joked.
"I'll make sure there isn't a third time." He looked down at me and gave a reassuring smile. I couldn't help but smile back. I was still scared though, Erick had found where I lived. He was trying to hurt me because I didn't like him? It sounded completely crazy.

We went into Sean's apartment and Sean went into the kitchen and started making some tea. I walked down the hall and into the guest room. I set my bag down in the room and took out my laptop and set it on the bed. I hooked up my camera to it, and clicked on the most recent video. It started with me explaining what I was doing today, and then I ran into Erick. At one point I dropped my camera and I couldn't see anything but the empty part of the hall. Then I watched as a pair of feet (Sean's) ran over and Erick was knocked to the ground. I didn't feel like watching the rest, so I closed my laptop and walked back into the kitchen. I sat at the counter and watched as Sean rummaged through some cabinets until he found two mugs and he put a teabag in them. He poured the steaming water and handed a mug to me.
"Thanks." I grinned and took a sip. It slightly burnt my tongue so I set it down, waiting for it to cool. However I kept my hands wrapped around the warm mug.
"Feeling any better?" Sean asked with a genuinely concerned face.
"Yeah, a little thanks to you." I smiled.
"Aww." He grinned and rolled his eyes.
"You know, that was impeccable timing." I told him.
"I know, right?" He chuckled a little. There was silence for a minute.
"So why were you coming over to my apartment?" I smirked at him.
"What? I'm not allowed to come over and hang out?"
"You didn't even tell me you were coming."
"It was going to be a surprise!" He grinned and then let out a little gasp. "Oh shit, that reminds me." He reached in his back pocket and pulled out a crumpled little flower.
"Oops..." he sounded disappointed, "this was going to be for you, but it looks kind of sad now." I smiled and took it out of his hand.
"I still love it." I held my sad little flower to my chest. I slid out of my chair and I looked through his cabinets until I found a little vase. I filled it with water from the sink and put my little flower in it.
"Y'know it's probably dead already?"
"You don't know that! He could be pretending."
"Oh, so a flower is pretending to be dead?" He raised his eyebrows at me.
"Yep." I said cheekily and flashed a smile at him. Sean rolled his eyes and laughed. I scurried into the living room and jumped on the couch. Sean sat down next to me and I put my head in his lap.
"You never actually told me why you were coming over to my apartment. What is really just to hang out?" I asked.
"Well..." he rubbed his beard with his hand, "I was going to ask you something."
"And what would that be?" I smiled.
"Would you, y/n, do me the honors of being my girlfriend?" He sweetly smiled, "that's when I would've given you the flower, but everything today seems to have been mixed up." He quickly added.
"Of course I'll be your girlfriend ya goof. However that means that I'll have to stop being your boyfriend."
"I'm ok with that. I think you'll be better as a girlfriend anyway." He kissed my forehead and I closed my eyes.
"It's barely past lunch and I'm already tired." I quietly said and I let out a little yawn. Sean said nothing but I heard him start humming a little song. I wasn't quite sure what it was because I drifted into sleep.

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