You two are weird

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Today Mazia and Felix were coming over to hang out with Sean and I.
I was so excited because I really wanted to finally meet Marzia in person. I brushed out my hair and brushed my teeth before getting dressed. I wore black jeans, of course, a white top, and an olive green button up (picture above!). I finished the last of my coffee and bagel before I put my gray beanie on my head and hurried out the door. I smiled as the cool air hit my skin, most people didn't like the weather in Brighton, but I loved how it wasn't sticky and hot all the time like some places. As long as it wasn't raining, I was good. I knocked on the door when I got to Sean's apartment.
"Hey!" Sean said as he opened the door.
"Oh my god." We gasped at the same time. We were both wearing the same beanies again and we were wearing black jeans. He was also wearing his glasses today making us match even more. (Couple goals!! *fangirling*)
"Dude! We must be psychic or something." We both started laughing.
"Apparently! Come on in." He gestured me inside and he sat down on his couch.
"Are Felix And Marzia here yet?" I questioned.
"No, but Felix said they would be soon."
"IM SO EXCITED!" I said jumping up and down like a little kid.
"Woah, calm down." Sean chuckled.
"I CANT!" I jumped onto the couch next to him, "I can't wait to finally meet Marzia!" Marzia and I talked on the phone almost everyday and were practically best friends by now.
"Did you see the comments on our painting video I uploaded a few days ago?" He said, facing me.
"Not yet, I was planning on watching it soon though. I've been so busy!"
"People really love you!" He grinned at me, making my face heat up a little, "the comments are flooded with people saying how great you are."
"Well I am pretty lovable." I put my hands under my chin and flashed a cheesy smile, making Sean chuckle. Then he gasped.
"What?" I tilted my head.
"You should make a channel!"
"Uhh, I don't know about that..." I said hesitantly and laughed a little nervously.
"No! I'm being serious!" He smiled, "you could promote your artwork on it too."
"What would I even post on it? People would get really bored of just watching me paint."
"You could do vlogs, challenges, and you could maybe do video games occasionally! I would let you use my recording room for the games."
I gave him an uncertain look.
"Promise you'll think about it?" He asked with a hand on my shoulder. He looked really excited about the idea, so I gave in.
"Ok ok! I'll think about it." I raised my hands in defeat.
"Sweet!" Just then a knock was heard at the door.
"They're here!" I jumped up and ran as fast as I could towards the door with Sean ,trailing a little slower, behind me. I flung the door open.
"MARZIA!" I quickly wrapped her in a hug.
"Hey y/n!" Marzia giggled.
"Damn, y/n, you seem a little excited." Felix commented.
"Yep!" I let go of Marzia, "come in!" Felix and Marzia sat down on the couch and Sean and I sat down in two little chairs across from them. They kept looking from me to Sean, and then back again.
"Are you two ok?" I asked them.
"Oh! Yeah." Marzia smiled, "I was just noticing how similar you two look right now." Sean and I looked at each other and laughed.
"It was a complete coincidence!" Sean started.
"Yeah, when I got here we both just looked at each other's outfits for a second before bursting out laughing!" I chuckled. Marzia gave me a look, you know the girl look. A raised eyebrow and a little smirk, like 'did something happen between you two yet?'. I grinned and shook my head a little at her. After we talked for a little while we all decided to walk around Brighton a little and go to some shops. Sean and Felix were waking side by side in front of Marzia and I. Marzia put a hand on my arm.
"So nothing has happened?" She whispered.
"Nope." I chuckled and whispered back, "You know I can't make moves on people. I'm the worst at flirting." Marzia rolled her eyes.
"You don't have to flirt with him. Just keep being you, I'm sure he'll do something."
"Yeah sure..." I said, not so sure about what she was saying.
"What are you two gossiping about back there?" Felix turned around and smiled at Marzia. It was so sweet how they looked at each other. Marzia took his hand.
"Nothing." She said innocently and went on her tippy toes to give him a quick kiss.
"Ughhhh I'm so lonely." I threw my head back,
"Will you be my girlfriend?" I put my hand over my mouth, trying not to laugh.
"If you'll be my boyfriend." Sean joked along with me.
"Deal!" I looped my arm through his.
"What just happened?" Felix laughed.
"I have a girlfriend now." I grinned.
"You two are weird." He smiled and shook his head at us.
"We know." Sean and I said at the same time and turned to high five each other.
And so we walked down the sidewalks looking for some little shops to go in, one real couple, and one fake one. I was still enjoying my fake relationship though, it was funny, plus I got to hang onto Sean because we were acting like a real couple. A few fans stopped us on our way to get pictures.
"Are you two together?" One of them asked, smirking a little.
"He's my girlfriend." I responded, receiving a laugh from the little group of fans and Sean.
"And she's my boyfriend." Sean asked, making them laugh more. We got a picture with the people, and we finally got to the shop where Marzia and I went wandering off together, looking at cute clothes.
"You guys are adorable!" Marzia finally whispered to me as we ditched Felix and Sean. I sighed.
"I just don't know what to do! I feel like this whole fake couple thing we are doing right now is the closest I'm going to get." I shrugged and we picked out some outfits.

Sean's POV! Yay 😜
"Sean?" I turned around to face y/n and responded.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" I watched her try to hide her laughter.
"If you'll be my boyfriend." I joked along with her. She skipped over to me and looped her arm through mine.
"Deal!" I smiled down at her, she looked really cute as she happily walked along with me. When we got to the shop Marzia and y/n ran off together. Felix sighed.
"When?" He asked.
"When what?" I furrowed my brows together.
"When are you going to ask her out! It's painful to watch you keep looking at her like a sad puppy." We sat down in some chairs in the store.
"I'm not a sad puppy." I said indignantly.
"You look like one. So when??"
"I don't know..." I rubbed the back of my neck. "I don't want to make things awkward if she doesn't like me back."
"You have to take some risks in life. If you never ask, there is a lesser chance of you two ever getting together, unless she asks you out first." I groaned.
"Why is life such a bitch!" Before Felix could reply, Marzia and y/n came back with bags in their arms. Y/n sat down in the chair next to me with a grunt.
"Standing is hard." She kicked her feet out in front of her, "so, what are we doing now?"
"We could go eat?" I suggested, it was a little past lunchtime and none of us had eaten yet.
"Yes!" Y/n jumped out of her chair with a newfound energy.
"Yeah, I could eat." Marzia agreed.
"Alright, let's go." Felix took Marzias hand and y/n and I looped arms again. We all walked out the door and began looking for a place to eat.

A/n: hey guys!
I hope you are enjoying the story so far. If you have any suggestions or tips to make this story better, feel free to tell me!

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