I was worried

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It had been a week since Felix, Sean, and I roller skating.

One week without Sean.

I had been leaving him alone because I wasn't sure what else to do. He kept calling me, but I would only text him back. I only texted him because I knew he would come to my apartment to make sure I was ok
if I didn't respond. If he did do that I wouldn't be able to keep him out. My paintings were much darker colors than normal.
I didn't like what I was doing to myself.
I didn't like feeling upset.

But sometimes you just need time to feel your emotions.

I did talk to Marzia though, she was the only thing keeping me sane.
And one day I finally started to feel like myself again.
"Have you actually talked to him yet?" Marzia questioned me over the phone.
"Uhh... no.." I mumbled.
"Come on, y/n. You can't ignore him, he didn't do anything wrong."
I sighed. "You're right. He probably thinks he did something wrong." I felt bad now, "I'll call him."
"Alright, Bye!" Marzia responded.
I dialed Seans number into my phone and I heard it ring. It only rang once though.
"Y/n?!" He sounded relived.
"Hey..." I smiled when I heard his voice.
"Oh my god are you okay?" Concern replaced the relief.
"Yeah. I'm ok. I just needed a week to think, I guess." I tried to reassure him.
"I'm coming over!"
"What? No you're not!" I looked like a mess.
"Aww why?"
"I just.." I didn't want to hurt him anymore than I probably had already, so I gave in. "Alright fine... just give me 30 minutes though ok?"
"Deal!" He hung up. I got dressed and brushed out my tangly hair. I then cleaned a little around the apartment. I heard a knock at the door and I hurried to open it. I was engulfed in a hug.
"Hi, Sean." I laughed.
"Hey." He replied, his voice muffled by my shoulder, "I was worried."
"You were?" He hugged me tighter.
"Of course I was!" He gasped and pulled away, "You got to know me even though you didn't know me first as a youtuber. Even after you found out I was, you didn't change how you acted around me. That's what usually happens, and people start being way too nice to me. It's like they don't have a backbone. But you're not afraid to tell me I'm wrong. You are the best friend I could have. Plus you're fucking hilarious."
Friend... that word rang in my ear for a moment.
"Well thanks for all the compliments." I chuckled a little, "You're not so bad yourself."
He gave me a little wink.
"No problem."
"I can take care of myself though, there's no need to worry about lil old me!"
"You don't even lock your door." Sean raised an eyebrow at me.
"That was one time!" I threw my hands up, "you're never going to let me live that down, are you?"
"Nah, what's the fun in that?" He smirked and I gave him a little punch on the shoulder.
"Alright, what do you want to do?" I put my hands on my hips.
"I don't know, I just want to hang out with you. I haven't seen you in a whole week!" I thought for a minute and a lightbulb went off in my head.
"OOOHHH WE SHOULD PAINT!" I yelled and grinned at him.
"AHHH." Sean jumped when I yelled. "You scared the shit outta me!" I smiled innocently at him.
"That does sound fun though! Come on!" He took my hand in his and we ran down the hall to my art studio. I grabbed another easel from the corner of the room and set it up next to the one I was already using. Sean looked around the room, a little confused. It looked like he noticed my painting were darker than usual. He didn't comment on it though.
I grabbed some paint and brushes for him and set them on a little table in between the easels.
"What should we paint?" I thought out loud.
"Oooh! We should paint each other! You do one of me, and I'll do one of you." He said excitedly. "Oh! Wait! Is it ok if I go grab my camera from my apartment and we could make this a video.
"Alright!" I liked the idea. Sean ran out of the room and I heard the door close behind him. I went into the bathroom and made sure I looked presentable for the video. After a little while he came back in with 2 cameras and 2 stands.
"I thought you said a camera." I tilted my head to the side.
"Oh yeah! I just thought of a better idea! We should put a sheet in between us so we can't see each others drawings until the end."
"Sounds cool!" I hung up a bed sheet and Sean set up a camera on each side pointing as the canvases.
"TOP OF THE MORNIN TO YA LADDIES MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE! And this is going to be a bit of a different video because I'm here with y/n again! We are going to be painting each other, which should be fun!"
"Hell yeah!" I cheered.
"Are you ready?" Sean asked me from the other side of the sheet.
"Yep! Let's do this." I picked up my brush and color pallet and started mixing colors together.
"Oh shit!" Sean cursed, "I just realized that this is going to be awful." I started laughing.
"I'm sure it won't be that bad." I assured him.
"You're going to do a fantastic job drawing me and mine is going to be really bad." He started laughing. I shook him head at him (or I guess at the sheet) and smiled. I continued to paint, it was turning out pretty well. I hadn't done his eyes yet because I wanted to make sure the color was perfect.
"Yo Sean?" I called to him.
"Yea?" He answered. I walked over to the end of the sheet.
"Come here." He came over to me, "I have to get your eye color right." I started mixing different shades together.
"They're blue! How hard can the color blue be?"
"Yeah, but it's not just straight up blue. There are different colors within a color." I tried to explain but He gave me a confused look.
"Artists, am I right?" He said to the camera. I just rolled my eyes.
"All done! You can continue painting!" I told him after a minute.

Eventually I finished, it had taken a while, but I was proud of it. It was of Sean laughing, (reference picture above) because that's what he's constantly doing.
"I'm done!" I called through the sheet. "Are you?" I heard Sean laugh.
"I've been done for a while now!"
"Oh, oops." I laughed, "Are you ready to remove the curtain!?" I said dramatically.
"YEAH!" I heard Sean jumping up and down.
"1!" I took down the curtain and we swapped sides to look at each others paintings.
"YOURS IS SO GOOD TOO!" I yelled back at him. Considering he didn't do art for a living, it wasn't half bad. It was still kind of funny though, my head was shaped like an egg.
"It looks like me! Like a picture of me!" He was talking to the camera. "Look at it!" He put his own face next to the picture and tried to make the same face. I rolled my eyes at him and grinned at his goofiness.
"You can have it if you want ya know."
"Really?!" His eyes grew wide and I nodded. "Sweet!" He jumped at me and gave me a hug.
"What's this for?" I laughed.
"For the painting! Oh, and you can have the one I did if you want." He burst out laughing at the last bit. "That would give me nightmares though if I were you."
"Nah! I'll keep it." I smiled and picked up the painting of me. I carried it down the hall and Sean followed me with a camera. I went into my room and hung it up.
"Ta da!" I put my hands in the air and did jazz hands for the camera.
"That's really fuckin creepy." Sean was giggling and zoomed in on one of the eyes that was slightly off making it look like I was looking at 2 different things at once. I laughed too.
"Thank you for letting me paint with you, Miss Famous Artist." He jokingly took my hand and lightly kissed it. I tried not to let my face turn into a tomato.
"Thank you, Mr. internet celebrity for allowing me to record with you." I teased back, he chuckled and let go of my hand.
"Alright," he sighed, "I have to go now."
"Awww" I pouted as we walked to the door.
"Bye y/n." He said as he walked through the open door.
"Bai!" I waved and closed the door behind him.

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