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I was walking down an alleyway, going back to my apartment. I couldn't help but feel uneasy, like I was being watched. I kept stopping because I would hear footsteps behind me, but every time I would stop I wouldn't hear anything.
Looking around was useless because it was so dark. My breathing was heavy and I started to run. That's when I was grabbed by my hood. I felt something collide with my skull and I heard a crack. I fell to the ground, blood pooling around me. A person looked down at me, but I couldn't see their face because their hood was up. I let out a huff as they stepped on my chest with their foot. I could barely breath and struggling was doing no good.
"Who are you? And why are you hurting me?" I managed to whisper out at the dark figure above me.
"Because you hurt me first!"  They yelled back angrily. The figure pulled back the hood and I saw their face.

His face...


I sat up quickly with a scream. I started gulping in air, I had been holding my breath in real life too. My lungs ached and I felt tears streaming down my face. I watched the door fly open and Sean rushed over to me. He put a hand on my shoulder as he quickly checked me, making sure I wasn't hurt. Once he saw there was no physical damage he wrapped me in one of his big hugs. I melted into him as I continued to catch my breath and try to compose myself.
"It's alright, I'm here. No one's gonna hurt ya." He quietly told me as he rubbed my back. I held onto him like he was my lifeline and felt myself being soothed. I let out a little sigh.
"Do you want to tell me what happened?" He whispered. I nodded and told him about my dream.
"Hey, I'm not going to leave you alone for a second. There is no way he'll get to you again. I promise." We lay down and I rested my head on his chest while he wrapped his arms around my waist.

Time skip to the morning
I slowly opened my eyes to see that neither Sean nor I had moved an inch while we were sleeping. I enjoyed the security of his arms around me, he was like my safety blanket. The nightmare I had seemed only like a distant memory and I let out a quiet, happy sigh. Sunlight was streaming through the openings in the curtains and I could hear a few little birds outside the window. I wished I could stay like this forever, in this peaceful little bubble world. I softly traced little circles on Sean's chest and felt him start to also trace circles on my back.
"Were you awake already?" I asked quietly, surprised.
"Yeah, I woke up a minute before you, but I didn't want to get up." His scruffy voice greeted my ear. His morning voice was cute.
"I don't want to get up either." I snuggled into his chest more.

We stayed there for a little while longer, until Sean sat up which caused me to roll off of him.
"Alright! Time to get the day goin." He got off of the bed.
"Nooooo." I grumbled and stuffed my face into a pillow.
"Yessss." Sean said as he grabbed me by the ankles and started pulling me off the bed.
"Sean I swear to god if you drag me off this bed I'm gon-" I was cut of as I fell off the bed, "I hate you."
"You love me"
"Nah, I hate you." I said again with a smile, "how help me up." I stuck my arms in the air and my hands did grabbing motions. Sean chuckled and helped me off the ground. We walked into the kitchen and I opened the fridge, looking for something to eat.

"We should record the cooking video idea you had a while back, today." I said as I pulled some eggs out of the fridge.
"Yeah, That could be fun!" He placed a frying pan on the stove and handed me a bowl.
"What should we make though?" I cracked a few eggs into the bowl and whisked them together. Sean sprayed the pan with some oil, before grabbing four pieces of bread and putting them in the toaster.
"I don't know, all I can think about is cake and cookies." He replied with a sigh as I poured the eggs into the pan. I added some salt and pepper before turning around to face Sean.
"We could make your 'world famous chocolate chip cookies'!" Sean scoffed, but I saw his cheeks turn a light shade of pink.
"They're not world famous!"
"Not yet because you haven't told people about them! Once we make them on the internet it will be the next big thing!" I waved my hands in the air, "I can see the headlines now! 'Famous youtuber makes best cookies too?' 'Sean William McLoughlin makes career mistake by being a youtuber instead of a baker!'
'These cookies will make you wanna slap yo mama they're so good!'"
We broke out in laughter at the last one. I scrambled the eggs up and Sean took the toast out of the toaster.

"No, but seriously we should make the cookies." I finally said as I put some egg and cheese on a piece of toast, before putting another slice on top (like a sandwich).
"Alright!" Sean smiled, "oh! And don't forget, we are going to Felix and Marzia's tonight for their Christmas party."
"Damn! I almost forgot about that with everything that's been happening!" I chuckled (I seriously almost forgot... oops).
"Yeah, me too." Sean took a bite of the food and hummed happily. We sat at the counter and ate quietly, just the sound of us munching on our breakfast.

"I'm going to go take a shower." I said as I finished my breakfast. I skipped down the hall and went into the guest room. I pulled out some jeans and the PMA hoodie I stole from Sean. I grabbed a towel from the the hall closet and went into the bathroom. I turned on the shower, waiting for it to warm up.

I heard Sean's footsteps walking past the door and into his recording room. The door closed and soon after his intro was being yelled. I smiled and rolled my eyes as I got into the shower. I didn't really hear much of him after that, there were a few times he would yell that the foam padding couldn't completely keep out.

Eventually I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off. I put on my clothes and walked into the kitchen, setting up for the video. I placed bowls and the ingredients on the counter and set up the camera. Sean walked out of his recording room and put his arms around my waist.

"Why hello there." I said smiling as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He gave me a kiss.
"What was that for?" I asked.
"Cause you're cute."
"Well in that case.." I gave him a quick kiss back, "you're pretty cute too." He gave me a wink and let go of my waist. (I love winks~ just me? Ok....)
I noticed that he was wearing a PMA hoodie too and we high fived.

"Ok, so I thought we should wait a little before we tell everyone we are dating." I said as I walked over to the camera.
"So, torture the shippers by making them wait? Sounds like a plan to me." Sean laughed.
"Exactly! So hands to yourself Mister." I pointed a finger at him as he raised his hands in defense. My hair still wasn't completely dry, so I quickly put it up in a messy bun before hitting record.

"Hello my lovely people! Today I am going to be baking with Sean. He came up with this idea, if you guys can remember in my last vlog, so I let him be part of it." I grinned. "Now, I know many of you are probably asking 'what are you making?'" I gave Sean a look.
"What are we going to be making?" He went along with it.

"Wonderful question, Sean! We are making the best, might I add world famous, chocolate chip cookies! This guy-" I pointed at Sean, "made this recipe himself and I thought it would be fun to share it with you guys!"

Time skip to after the video
"BEST COOKIES EVER!" I yelled as I ended the video. I quickly ran back over to the, now messy, counter and ate another cookie. Sean came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. He rested his chin on my shoulder and I giggled as his beard tickled my neck.
"That was impossible!" He said and let go of me.
"What was?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Keeping my hands to myself!" He took my hand and spun me around. I rolled my eyes and chuckled.
"You're quite the flirt aren't you?"
"I prefer the term 'ladies man'." He smirked. I looked over at the clock as I took my hair out of the bun I put it in. It was 2pm, so I went into the guest room to try and find an outfit for the Christmas party later.

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