Dirty Bean Water?

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I yawned and reached over to the coffe table grabbing my glasses (pictured above). I put them on and blinked multiple times to adjust myself to being not blind. I put on one of my painting shirts and an apron over that. I put my hair up quickly in a bun turned on some music. Time to start painting! My brush flowed across the canvas just as it did everyday. I felt at peace when I painted, like I was in my own little world where everything was ok. Soon I looked over at the clock. SHIT! It was already 12! I grabbed a dark grey shirt and a cream colored cardigan. I threw on some jeans and a grey beanie too. By the time I was done it was 12:28 and I heard a knock on my door. I quickly went to open it.
"Hey Sean!" I greeted.
"Hi, ready to go?" He smiled and asked.
"Yep!" I walked out of my apartment and closed the door behind me. It was a short 5 minute walk to the cafe and we both ordered coffee. We sat down at a little table and Sean took a sip of his drink.
"Mmm! Dirty bean water." He said.
"Dirty bean water?!" I laughed and gave him a weird look.
"Oh! That's what I call coffee!" He laughed with me, "forgot not everyone calls it that."
"Well, I guess you're right it is just dirty bean water." I thought out loud. He nodded and grinned. I took a sip of my coffee and he started laughing.
"What's so funny?" I smiled.
"It's just you have paint on you again." I looked at my hands and sure enough, they were covered in dried up paint. I had forgotten to wash it off. I giggled.
"Welp, I just guess that's how I am."
We kept talking and he was hilarious! Even though I made bad jokes he still laughed at them and he was so easy to talk to. Then 2 teenage girls came up to our table.
"H-hey, can w-we get a picture with y-you?" One of them said, talking to Sean.
"Of course!" He got up to take a picture with them.
"T-thank you, Jack!" The other one said.
"No problem!" He sat back down and the girls left. I raised an eyebrow at him.
"I'll tell you later." He said. I shrugged and we continued talking. After a little while we started walking back to my apartment.
"Thank you for the coffee!" I said when we stopped at my door.
"No problem, thanks for letting me take you." He smiled and rubbed the back of his neck, "well, bye." He turned to walk away.
"Wait, hold on." I reached and grabbed his arm before he could leave. He turned back around and looked at me with those blue eyes of his.
"You said you would explain why those girls wanted a picture of you."
"O-oh Yeah." He stuttered, "well um I'm a youtuber."
"Oh, that's cool! I don't really watch YouTube so I don't know about you." I smiled. He seemed relieved.
"Oh well that's good!" Sean smiled.
"Good?" I questioned.
"Yeah, I like it when I meet people that don't know me for YouTube. They get to know me for real and not just because I have followers."
"I guess that makes sense. Oh, and one more question." He cocked his head to the side.
"They called you 'Jack'?"
"Oh! that's my nickname, I usually just tell people I'm Jack, not Sean."
"Ok, thanks for letting me interrogate you!" I joked. He laughed and then walked away.
"Bye!" He yelled back at me.
"Bye!" I responded and walked into my apartment. That was so fun! I smiled to myself. I hopped in the shower and enjoyed the warm water hitting my back. I also remembered to scrub the paint off my hands. When I got out of the shower I didn't have much to do so I got on YouTube. I searched "Sean" some channels came up, but none of them looked like him. Then an idea popped into my mind and I searched "Jack" instead. I was immediately shown a channel named "Jacksepticeye" is this him? I clicked on a video. It was him! He was pretty much the same person in the video as he was in real life: funny, loud, and sweet. After I watched the rest of the video I clicked on I turned on my Billie Eilish playlist (sorry if you don't like her, you can change it but I love her music) and started making some spaghetti. A knock at my door interrupted my terrible singing. I turned down the volume and went to open the door. It was Sean?
"H-heyyy." He nervously started.
"Hi?" I said questioningly. I was in some sweatpants and an old T-shirt so I felt kind of awkward.
"Ok, so you can totally say no, but I locked myself out of my apartment and the office doesn't open until tomorrow morning so I have no way to get in. I don't really know anyone else around here..." He took a breath. "So I was wondering if I could crash on your couch or something..."
"Oh! Yeah definitely, come in." I smiled and he seemed to relax a little.
"Sorry the place is kind of a mess." I laughed as I looked around my living room.
"I don't mind! Mines pretty bad right now too." He grinned. I walked back into my kitchen and stirred the noodles in the pot around. Sean sat at the counter as I scurried round getting ingredients.
"Is it ok if I do a little vlog? I have to have something ready to edit for tomorrow and I can't record anything else under the circumstances." He asked.
"Sure, I don't care. Do what you need to do internet celebrity." I smirked at him. He rolled his eyes and took out his camera.
"TOP OF THE MORNIN TO YA LADDIES! MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE and it's actually not the morning, it's actually really late." He laughed. "Plus I'm an idiot and I locked myself out of my apartment, but this lovely lady-" He turned the camera around so it pointed at me. I smiled and waved, "is letting me crash here. Her name's y/n and she's a really amazing artist!" He smiled really wide and I rolled my eyes and blushed.
"Lemme show you!" He jumped off the chair and ran down the hall, opening doors until he found my art studio.
"WHOA!" I heard him say. I walked into the studio to find him pointing the camera at my artwork around the room. He was running around like a little kid. I leaned on the doorway and folded my arms, smiling.
"What are you doing?" I laughed and asked him.
"I'm showing everyone your art of course!" He zoomed the camera on my face.
"Stop!" I laughed and covered my face with my hands.
"Awe don't hide!" He took one of my hands in his and brought it down from my face.
"Much better!" He exclaimed and luckily turned the camera back on him and not on my blushing face. I walked out of the studio to go finish the spaghetti. Eventually Sean followed and he turned off the camera. I put some spaghetti on a plate for me and one for him.
"You didn't have to give me any." He said trying to push the plate away.
"Did you eat dinner yet?" I asked.
"Well... no..."
"Then you're eating!" I pushed the plate in front of him and sat in the chair next to him at the counter.
"This is good!" Sean smiled and looked at me with his ocean blue eyes.
"Thanks." I was only able to look him in the eyes for a second before I looked down at my fork. He grabbed his camera again and pointed it at the spaghetti.
"She makes fantastic spaghetti if anyone was wondering!" I started laughing and fell to the ground.
"What's so funny?" He smirked and pointed the camera at me.
"That was so random!" I was still laughing really hard.
"I just thought everyone should know your spaghetti is amazing!" I sat up after my giggle fit was over and wiped a tear from my eye behind my glasses. Sean put his camera away again. It was only 7pm so we watched some TV before I went to my room to go to bed. I turned off my lights and hugged my pillow. Damn it, I think I really like this guy. It's never going to happen though, he could probably have anyone, so why would he choose me? I eventually fell asleep

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