Chapter 1:Stand in the rain...

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(Hellopeoplezz, so this is the first chapter to this sequel so don't judge please. Anyways, the chapter names are just gonna be names of songs I enjoy so yeah. Other than that... here goes nothing... KEEP SMILING!! )


The sun was hitting every point in Usagi's and mine suit. I guess you could say it was one of the brightest days of this month. Everything seemed to be just so perfect and so right. It was as if that tragedy never happened. But, that was just in Usagi's head.

My loving author always had a smile planted across his face, just like things were before everything. Always having a whitey comment on everything and head strong, just how MY Usagi is supposed to be.

Me on the other hand, I'm nothing like I used to be. I'm quiet and don't get out much. I can't talk to anyone without being asked to repeat what I've said about three thousand times. The worst of it all, I'm slowly slipping into insanity.

Ever since what happened to me and Mr. Hiro on that fateful day has made me messed. I would be lying if Mr. Hiro wasn't effected but it's not as bad as I am. He can actually go to work without flipping out about not being in the comfort of his lover yet he does occasionally need to be in his arms or hear his voice. I don't really know how I would react since I never go out without Usagi, Mr. Hiro or Dr. Nowaki without me so that I'm safe or in other words, kept an eye on.

Once I was able to move around, I over-heard the three of them talking about my 'condition'. Dr. Nowaki said that I may end up going crazy from the experience and that I should really go to a mental institution. Luckily for me, he said that if they all kept a close eye on me and I didn't go somewhere where something like that could happen again, I would be ok.

But what they don't know is that I've found a way to cope with my pain without them finding out. I know it's stupid and their no way of repairing the damaged skin but I don't care. I find it easy to cope with the internal scars by making external ones...

Plus, they don't know anything about the 'friends' that plague my mind with suicidal thought and depression which just adds to the madness. But then again, at least there someone different talk to other than my three baby sitters.

I groggily slip out of my bed as I walk to the door, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

Oh, I almost forgot. Mr. Hiro and Dr. Nowaki moved in so that I would be easier to keep an eye on me. This act actually made everything easier to do, other than when I want to get rid of my pain. It's made it harder for me to slip into the comforts of my room and create more scars since the only time they actually leave me alone is when I get dressed, take a shower and sometimes when I sleep. Even sometimes then they time me or Usagi sits with me whilst I do those things. But luckily, they've died down on things like that which make it a tiny bit easier to do things I want.

As I opened the door to go to the hallway and down the stairs to the living room, I bump into someone's chest and I fall back, strait on my butt. I whisper an 'owe' and look up to see whose chest I ricocheted off only to be met by violet eyes of my lover. Usagi.

"I was just coming up to get you, sleepy head" he snickered as I just looked up at him. This man was so strong, why can't I be like that?

"Because you're weak"

"You weren't even meant to survive the pain you were put through"

"Why don't you curl up and die already!"

Great, THERE back. They never leave me alone, always nagging at me that I'm a worthless piece of shit on someone's shoe and to be honest, I believe them half of the time. All the things they say about me are practically all true. To be honest, they never lie to me.

I look up at Usagi with the same, dull, eyes I've had ever had since I woke up. I can never seem to get the light back in my eyes. Even when people try to cheer me up, the light never returns.

Usagi gave me a warm yet sad smile and put his big warm hand out to me. As if it came naturally, I took hold of his hand and he hoisted me to my feet, not for one second letting go of my hand. "Let's go have some breakfast" He smiled and I just nodded, still not letting go of his hand.

With that, he guided me through the hallway, down the stairs and to the dining room table, where Mr. Hiro was sat drinking coffee, as usual. Like he did every morning, he would be sat with a cup of coffee in his hand and a newspaper in the other, reading whatever was in that paper. Dr. Nowaki always did the cooking now, no one let me cook all the meals and Dr. Nowaki wanted to 'pay for his keep' as they always say which makes no sense to me whatsoever.

"Ah, good morning kid" he greeted whilst taking a sip of his drink. DR. Nowaki then walks in with a tray of a traditional Japanese breakfast, with my name on it, literally. "Good morning Misaki, how are you feeling this morning?" he asked as he put my food on the table. I simply shrugged my shoulders and hid behind Usagi which made everyone chuckle. Everyone always found it cute that now I was sort of acting like a child but then they were upset that I was becoming anti-social.

"Ok, well after you're done your breakfast I'll give you your medicine. Ok?" I nodded my head with a sigh. I now was on medicine since I never fully ate anything and I refuse to eat sometimes so I'm given pills that contain the same nutrients that any teen should have a day. Sadly though, sometimes they would force feed me because of how bad it was. If anything, I would eat two full meals in one week and that was it. The once I'm done eating, they won't let me out of their sight for at least two hours and if I go to the bathroom then one of them stand outside the door to make sure I won't hack the food back up.

Yup, I live a fun life don't I? So fucking great.

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