Chapter 3-Lexie

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It's been about an hour now and the ability to breathe is harder. Mark is with me, Cristina went to get supplies and check on Doctor Robbins. I'm scared, I am so scared that I'm going to die here and Mark, I don't want to leave him. "I-I'm dying" I tell him my voice is getting shaky. "your not dying" he tells me. I feel hot tears in my eyes. I lift my right arm "hold my hand" I ask him. he shakes his head and tells me "no, I won't hold it because your not dying" tears stream down my face as my vision starts deteriorating. He gets up and tries to lift up the metal I'm under again, but like all the other times it doesn't budge. he comes back down and this time he holds my hands and looks me in the eye "I love you" I can tell he's struggling to not cry. "you don't h-have to say it" I tell him weakly. he shakes his head "I love you. I have always loved you and I always will love you" I smile "yeah?" he nods "yeah because, your gonna live because we're gonna get married and have three kids..." my eyes start closing and I can barely hear him now. "You know why? because we're meant to be" I smile weakly "meant to be" I repeat, then I can't see anything.

Light, the brightest light I have ever seen, could this be heaven? I blink. No it's not..i hear that beeping? I blink a couple of times before I focus on a white ceiling above me. I feel someone's hand on mine, I think it's Mark but when I look over I see Meredith. She's grinning now and my full vision is back. "Wh-what happened?" I say in a whisper because my throat feels dry and I can barely speak. Her smile is shorter now as she says "They found us. All of us right when we thought we were losing you, they came" I smile "a-and where's Mark?" her smile fades into a sympathetic look. She says nothing, that's bad "Meredith?" I start panicking. If Mark died why didn't i?! Finally after a couple minutes she speaks up "He's in a coma were not sure if he's going to wake up" I look up at the ceiling as tears fill my eyes. "Im so sorry Lexie.."

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