Ep.8: Irrasional Treasure

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Dipper's POV

The day began with us going into town with Stan for reasons I didn't know.

Mabel: *takes two nachos and puts them as earrings before laughing* Nachos earrings! I'm hilarious!

Stan: That's debatable.

Stan: *starts honking the car* C'mon, what's with all this traffic? And why is it all-? Covered wagons?!? Oh no, no no!!!! *turns and starts driving away* Not today, not today!!!  *stops at the sight of people, then reverses the car*

Dipper: Grunkle Stan, what's going on?!?

Stan: We gotta get out of here before it's too late!!!!! *stops* They've circled the wagons!!!! We're trapped, no!!!!!

Mabel: *looks out the window and sees a cute cow* I have a good feeling about today!

Dipper, Mabel, and Stan: *exit the car*

Dipper: Whoa, look at the town!

Stan: Oi, it's Pioneer day, everyday these yahoos dress up like idiots to celebrate the day Gravity Falls was founded.

Toby: *walks over* Welcome to 1863!!!

Stan: I will break you, little man!!!!

Toby: *runs away*

Mabel: Wow, look, candle dipping!!!

Dipper: Woah, gold panning!!!

Dipper and Mabel: *see a man getting married to a woodpecker*

Mabel: What you talking about?!?

Dipper: Oh yeah, I remember this. *takes out his journal and opens it on a certain page* In Gravity Falls it used to be legal to marry woodpeckers.

Man: Oh it's still legal! Very legal...!!!

Announcer: Come one and all, to the opening ceremonies!!!

Mabel: Grunkle Stan, are you coming?!?

Stan: No thank you!!! Just remember: if you come back to the shack talking like these people, you're dead to me!

Dipper: There's a carpetbagger in the turnip cellar!

Mabel: Well, hornswoggle my haversack!

Dipper and Mabel: *spit on the ground before running off*

Stan: DEAD TO ME!!!

~at the stage~

Blubs: Here-ye here-ye!!! Ye olde commencement ceremony is about to commence!!!

Durland: *winging a bell* Woo!!!! I got a bell!!!!

Thief: *steals an old lady's purse and runs off*

Old Lady: Oh no, police, my purse!!!!

Durland: ... *continues ringing his bell* Ring ring!!! Ring ring!!!

Blubs: *chuckles* He sure loves his bell.

Dipper and Mabel: *reach the front of the crowd*

Pacifica: *taps the mic* Howdy, everyone!!! You all know me, Pacifica Northwest, great great granddaughter of town founder Nathaniel Northwest. I'm also very rich.

Audience except Dipper and Mabel: *applause*

Pacifica: Now if you got the pioneer spirit, we asked you to come on up and introduce yourself!!!

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