Ep.3: Golf War

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Your POV

As I finally regained my conscious, I opened my eyes, my vision still a bit blurry. My head was pounding and my body was sore.

What the hell happened...?

The last thing I remember was fighting with the shapeshifter who had taking the form of, well, me! Then after that, it's all so blurry...! I don't remember anything...!

I looked around. I was in my room? How'd I even get here? When did I get here?

I was so confused, and tried to remember everything that happened yesterday in the bunker.

We all entered the bunker.

Went through a lot of rooms.

Mabel locked Dipper and I inside some other room with cave systems.

We found the shapeshifter.

Our first attempt to defeat it failed.

Dipper confessed his love to me.

We defeated the shapeshifter.

And... what happened after that...?




He confessed to me...

He loves me...!

I stared at the wall in shock, the realization hitting me hard. Dipper actually loves me...!!! My face heated up at the thought and my heart began to beat faster than usual.

Did I like him back...?

I thought for a moment, and then smiled to myself. I had known this feeling for a long time, but I've always been in denial about it...

I do love Dipper...

I got up and ready, wanting to talk to him. He was probably waiting for an answer. Getting out of the house has always been an easy task for me. I just climb out the window and down the nearby tree.

Whenever my parents catch me doing something they don't like, they-... well, I'm still not ready to share that...

I made my way to the shack. As soon as I entered the living room, I saw Dipper sitting on the couch. The look on his face, however... Something was clearly bothering him...

You: Uh, hey Pine Hat...!

Dipper: *jumps a bit, then looks away* H-hey (y/n)...

You: Is everything ok...?

Dipper: Yeah, yes, everything's fine...!

You: Um, ok...?

Dipper: ...

You: *blush a bit* I um... I wanted to talk to you about what you said yesterday...

Dipper: N-no, i-it's alright, I-I understand... I h-had already e-expected it...

You: Expected what...?

Stan: *enters holding a pan* Who wants Stancakes?!? They're like normal pancakes, but they have some of my hair on'm.

Dipper: I think I'll pass...

You: ... yeah, I'll pass too...

Stan: ?

Mabel: *bursts through the door* It's here!!!!! *squeals as she runs around the room* Oh, it's here it's here it's here it's here!!! I've been waiting all morning and it's finally here!!! The Gravity Falls Gossiper accepted my article about summer fashion tips for squirrels!!! My picture is gonna be the newspaper!!! *pulls out the newspaper* Check it!!!

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