Ep.7: Society Of The Blind Eye

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Your POV

Dipper and I were in his room. He had pulled up a cardboard chart where he would try and decipher who was the author of the journal. I was here for backup.

Dipper: Alright, author. *starts to chew on the pen* Who are you...? Who... are... you...? *breaks the pen making the ink spread all over his mouth, making him spit and wipe it off*

You: Dude, that's like the fifth pen today. You need to stop.

Dipper: I know... *throws away the pen*

Mabel: *enters and plops down on Dipper's bed* Hey, guys!!! Look what I got~!!!

Dipper: Yay, a filthy green bottle.

You: Woo to trash?

Mabel: It's a bottle message from Mermando, remember?!? He was part fish and part shirtless guy- *gasp* What if he wants to get back together?!?

Dipper: I wouldn't get your hopes up, Mabel.

Mabel: Too late, hopes are way way up!!! *takes out the message and starts to read* "Dear Mabel," so far so good!!! "It is with a heavy heart" so far so good!!! "That I must inform you, I'm getting married?!?!?!?!?"

Dipper: And there it is.

Mabel: "In order to prevent an undersea civil war-!!!", "arranged wedding-!!!", "Queen of the manatees?!?" *takes out a picture of Queen Manatee and Mermando* And she's so beautiful!!! This can't be happening!!!

You: Oh M...

Dipper: You'll get over him eventually...?

Mabel: You don't understand, guys. *takes her scrapbook and opens it on a certain page* On my first day here I made this page for summer romances, and look at my luck! Turned out to be gnomes, child psycho, made out if his own hands, and now... *places the picture, then writes failed at the top* I wish I could just forget about them forever...

Dipper: Hey, if it's any consolation my summer mission isn't a huge success either. I'm still trying to find the author of this journal, but with this laptop smashed we've lost any lead in finding them!

Mabel: *looking at the computer through the bottle* Wait a minute... (y/n)!!!

You: What?

Mabel: *hands you the bottle and points at the computer*

You: *see the name McGucket Labs* What?!?

Dipper: What, let me see!!!

You: *give him the bottle*

Dipper: *looks at the computer through the bottle* McGucket Labs? Wait, Old Man McGucket?!?

You: You don't think...-

Dipper: It couldn't be...!!! It doesn't make any sense!!! Unless... *takes the McGucket picture and places it somewhere else on the board, then moves the red string and tacs around until he comes to a conclusion* So then that would mean... Old Man McGucket wrote the journal?!?!?!?

You: We need to go check!

You, Dipper, and Mabel: *run down to the gift shop where Wendy and Soos were at*

Dipper: Wendy, Soos, we need to go see Old Man McGucket!!!

Mabel: We'll explain on the way!!!

You, Dipper, and Mabel: *run outside, Mabel dragging Wendy and Soos following behind*

We get in the car and reach the junk yard where he lived.

Dipper: Old Man McGucket, are you here?!?

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