Ep.4: Sock Opera

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Dipper's POV

The day started with Mabel and I in the Gravity Falls library. A few days ago at the bunker, Soos had found a briefcase which turned out to be a broken computer. Soos was able to fix it and at the time we're here trying to see what's inside.

Dipper: Alright, Mabel, today's the big day!

Mabel: Big day!!! But wait, wasn't (y/n) supposed to join us?

Dipper: I invited her, but she said she couldn't make it. Now: Soos finally fixed up the laptop. If this thing works, we could learn the identity of the author and unravel the greatest mysteries of Gravity Falls! You girls ready?!?

Mabel: Oh, I'm ready, baby! *opens a book which has the picture of a baby inside which says Mama*

Dipper: *places the laptop on he table, opens it, and presses the button which makes the laptop start to beep for a while* This is it, this is it...!!!

Computer: *has a strange symbol which above it says Welcome*

Dipper: Yes!!!

Dipper and Mabel: *do some weird handshake* Twins!!!


Dipper: Ugh, of course!!! A password!!!

Mabel: Don't you worry, bro bro!!! With both your brains and my laser focus there is literally nothing that can distract us from- *hears soft music* Did you hear that?

We saw a boy who's surrounded by children. He had bright blonde hair wrapped in a ponytail, bright blue eyes, and an obnoxious voice.

Boy: *singing* All my life I've been dreaming, of a love that's right for me! And now I finally know her name and it's- sing with me kids.

Boy and Kids: Literacy!!!

Boy: *with the bee puppet* I finally understand what all the buzz is about! Reading!!! *with the book puppet* Gimme some of that honey!!! *makes his puppets start to make out as he chuckles*

Mabel: ... *takes a popup book as opens it on a heart page* Ba-bump, ba-bump!

Dipper: Oh boy.

Boy: Thank you, thank you!

Mabel: Just when I was getting over Mermando, of course you show up at my doorstep!!!

Dipper: Oh yeah, I forgot about Mermando. *taking a book* Did not care for Mermando. *comes back* Ok, this cryptology book says there's 7.2 million eight letter words. I'll type, you read. *looks over* Mabel?

Boy: That's why we don't stick our hands in-

Boy and Kids: Other people's mouths!!!

Dipper: Seriously?

We type a few passwords before Mabel came over.

Dipper: So, how'd it go?

Mabel: Dipper, how hard do you think it would be to write and compose a sock puppet rock opera with lights, original music, and live pyrotechnics by Friday?


Dipper: WHAT?!? Mabel, are you serious?!?

Mabel: I don't know what happened!!! I got lost in his eyes and his ponytail!!! I'm gonna be so embarrassed on Friday if I don't have anything!!!

Dipper: But what about cracking this password?!? You know, Mystery Trio?!?

Mabel: (y/n)'s not even here!!! Look, if you help me with this just a couple of days I promise I'll help you with the password!!! Please, pretty please!!! *whispers with puppy eyes* It's for love, Dipper!!!

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