Ep.15: The Deep End

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Dipper's POV

We were all in the Mystery Shack living room, bored and dying from the summer heat.

News Reporter(Toby): *tv* Watch out, Gravity Falls, because at 110 degrees we're looking at the hottest day of the summer!!!

Dipper: All in favor of doing nothing all day say "Uhg....!!!"

You, Dipper, Mabel, Soos, and Stan: Ugh....!!!

Waddles: *walks to Stan*

Stan: I'm gonna throw this pig out of the house!!!

Waddles: *licks Stan's cheek*

Stan: You called my bluff, pig.

News Reposter: On the bright side, pun very much intended, it's opening week at the Gravity Falls pool!!!

Mabel: Gravity Falls pool?!?

You: Opening week?!?

Dipper: Today?!?

Soos: Pun intended?!?

Stan: Quick, to the car!!!

You, Dipper, Mabel, and Soos: *stand up*

Stan: *tries to get up but gets stuck on the floor because of his sweat* Hey kids, a little help here.

You, Dipper, and Mabel: *each take out a spatula and start getting Stan out of the floor*

Stan: *gets up with pieces of wood still on his back* Alright, off to the pool! *goes outside*

News Reporter: And remember to be on alert for random wildfires!

Stan: *outside* Wait, wha-? AHHH!!!

You, Dipper, Mabel, and Soos: ...

Mabel: He'll be fine.

We got to the pool about an hour later. It was pretty full, but we already expected that.

Mabel: Ah, the pool! Sparkling oasis of summer enchantment!

Stan: Yeah, nothing like sitting in a moist tub with strangers. I like the bus but wet.

Dipper: *looking at Soos's towel* Why would a sun need to wear sunglasses?

You: It's a towel design, it doesn't need to make sense.

Mabel: Woah, woah, woah!!! Stop the presses!!! Who's that?!?

She points at a guy in a pool with dark skin and long dark hair.

Soos: Oh yeah, word says dude never leaves the pool! People say he's a mysterious loner.

Mabel: ...is it getting hot in here or is it just that guy...?!?!?

You: It's the hottest day of the year, Mabel.

Dipper: Besides, can't you go for one week without having a new crush on some random guy?

Mabel: *shakes her head* Uh-uh! *gasp* Look at his little mustache hairs!!!

Soos: You are clearly enamored. Go to him.

Mabel: *runs off bumping and crashing into many things on her way*

You: *laugh*

Soos: So beautiful...!!!

Dipper: Eh, Mabel's all talk. Wanna know a secret? She's never even kissed a guy before. She always messes it up somehow.

You: Have you~?

Dipper: *blushes in embarrassment* Wha- Well- I-!!!

You: *snicker*

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