Ep.2: Legend of Gobblewonker

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Dipper's POV

We had woken up a bit late, and were now at the kitchen table eating breakfast.

Mabel: *sitting on the table in the kitchen while holding a bottle of syrup* Are you ready for the ultimate challenge?!?

Dipper: *sitting next to Mabel holding another bottle of syrup* I'm always ready!!!

Mabel: Then you know what this means!!!

Dipper and Mabel: Syrup race!!! *open their syrup bottles and hold them just above their open mouths as the syrup slowly comes out* Ahh....!!!

Mabel: Go Sir Syrup!!!

Dipper: Go Mounty Man!!!

Dipper and Mabel: Go!!! Go!!! Go!!!

Mabel: Almost... almost... *slightly hits the bottom of the bottle which causing a bit of syrup to land on her mouth* Yes!!! *coughs a few times* I won!!! *coughs some more*

Dipper: *grabs a nearby newspaper* Hoho, no way! Hey, check this out!

Mabel: "Human sized hamster ball?!?" *gasp* I'm human-sized!!!

Dipper: No no, Mabel, this. We see weirder stuff than that everyday! We didn't get any pictures of those gnomes, did we?

Mabel: Nope, just memories!!! *pulls out some locks of gray beard hair* And this beard hair!!!

Dipper: Why did you save that...?

Mabel: *shrugs*

Dipper: *laughs*

Mabel: Really? Cuz I sure do!!!

Stan: Good morning, knuckleheads! You guys know what day it is?!?

Dipper: Um, happy anniversary?

Mabel: Mazel tov!!!

Stan: *hits Dipper with the newspaper* It's Family Fun Day, genius!!! *opens the fridge* We're cutting off work to do one of those *sniffs the milk* bonding type deals.

Dipper: *adjusting his hat* Grunkle Stan, is this gonna be like our last family bonding day?

Mabel: *shivers* The county jail was so cold...

Dipper: We're lucky that (y/n) was able to get us out.

Stan: Alright, maybe I haven't been the best summer caretaker, but I swear today we're gonna have some real family fun! Now who wants to put on some blindfolds and get into my car?!?

Dipper and Mabel: Yay!!!!!

Dipper: Wait what?

And so Stan forced us to get in his car (WITH BLINDFOLDS). The ride was quiet and bumpy, and we crashed when we got to our destination.

But we were fine!

Sort of...

Stan: Ok ok, open them up!

Dipper and Mabel: *take off their blindfolds*

Stan: Ta-da!!! It's fishing seasons!!!

Mabel: Fishing?

Dipper: What are you playing at, old man?

Stan: You're gonna love it, the whole town's out here! *looks at the other people in the lake* That's some quality family bonding time!!!

Dipper: Grunkle Stan, why do you wanna "bond" with us all of a sudden?

Stan: C'mon, this is gonna be great!!! I've never had fishing buddies before! The guys from the lodge won't go with me. They don't "like" or "trust" me. So what do you say?!?

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