Ep.8: Blendin's Game

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I'm warning you right now.

This episode has a pretty big twist.

Don't sue me for it.

Ok bai.

Dipper's POV

Mabel and I were at the gift shop, getting a candy bag from the vending machine.

Dipper: *presses a few buttons, the candy bag coming closer*

Dipper and Mabel: Candy!!! Candy!!! Candy!!!

Candy Bag: *gets stuck*

Dipper: No, it's trapped!!!

Mabel: Everything is terrible forever!!!

You: *walk over* Ok, what's going on right now?

Mabel: Candy's stuck inside machine!!!

You: Oh, that's an easy fix. Watch this! *hit the machine a few times before elbowing it, opening it*

Dipper and Mabel: Whoa!!!

Dipper: How'd you do that?!?

You: I've known that trick for years, someone showed it to me. Don't remember who, though, I was quite young.

Mabel: *holding multiple candies* Forget taking off the wrappers, I need to eat these now!!! *eats a few candies with the wrapper*

You: Maybe I should've taken off the wrappers for her.

Dipper: (y/n), you're amazing!!!

You: *blush* !!!

Dipper: *blushes more* Uh- I-I mean-!!!

You: *laugh softly* Thanks, Pine Hat.

Mabel: *chokes on the candy* That was a mistake!!! *falls*

You: *close the vending machine* Anyways, Stan's making me restock, I'll see you guys around! *leave*

Dipper: *notices your bag still on the counter* Whoa, better make sure she gets this back.

Mabel: Wait!!! I've never seen (y/n)'s bag before! What do you think she keeps in there?!?

Dipper: I dunno, girl stuff?

Mabel: But don't you wanna learn some (y/n) secrets?!? *opens the bag*

Dipper: I don't think we should- *takes out a picture* Aw, little (y/n) playing laser tag!

Mabel: *takes out her phone* She left her phone in here too!

Dipper: *takes out a small card* (y/n) (m/n) (l/n), birthdate: July 13th- Wait a minute... That's today...!

Mabel: Whoa...!!!

Dipper: That's weird, I wonder why she wouldn't tell anyone.

Mabel: Uh, duh!!! It's probably because she wants someone to throw him a surprise party!!! I can relate! I've been waiting for a surprise party my whole life!

Candy: *runs in, throwing confetti* Surprise!!!

Mabel: ... *looks at her with narrow eyes* Too little too late, Chiu...

Candy: Aww... *leaves*

Mabel and I decided to plan (y/n) a surprise party! It's the least we could do for all that she's done for us. Since Mabel and I have had every birthday together, we were experts at planning birthday parties!

Once we heard footsteps coming this way, we hid in places, waiting for her to come over.

Candy: *leading you over*

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