Ep.5: Soos And The Real Girl

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Your POV

The day had been like any other. The gift shop had just closed and I was behind the counter reading a magazine as Wendy sat next to me doing Wendy things. That's when Mabel came in skipping through while singing.

Mabel: La la la la la- AH!!! *crashes into the wall getting her bracers stuck to the door* AHHHHH!!! Bracers!!!! Bracers caught in the screen door!!!! Someone dictate my will!!!! I'm giving it all to Waddles!!!!!!

Soos: Say "ah", girl dude.

Mabel: Ahhh!!!

Soos: *untangles Mabel's bracers with a screwdriver*

Mabel: Soos, you saved me!!!

Soos: *chuckles* Just doing my job, hambone. I'll see you dudes tomorrow.

Dipper and Mabel: Bye, Soos!!!

You: Later, Soos!

Wendy: Night, Soos.

Stan: Night, Soos.

Soos: *leaves* To-do do do do, walking to my car.

Mabel: You ever wonder what Soos does when he's not here at the Mystery Shack?

You and Dipper: No.

Wendy: Not really.

Stan: Not even once.

The next day, I was working on cash register duty as usual. There was a young kid, he looked about seven to eight years old. He was flipping a nickel around in his hand. And of course Stan wanted it.

Kid: *walks around flipping the nickel*

Stan: *pops from behind a cloaked figure* Hello!!!

Kid: AHH!!!

Stan: Please, don't let my horrible elderly face frighten you! Don't you want to use that nickel to get a nugget from ol' Goldie?!?

He takes off the cloak revealing Goldie, a statue of some man who gave you golden nuggets if you paid it change. Stan had mentioned him a couple of times. It was pretty jacked up even if he doesn't want to admit it.

Stan put the kid's nickel inside Goldie's mouth making it raise its hand and hat. Both of its eyes popped out (literally) and oil started to come out of its mouth as it let out a bloodcurdling scream. It was horrifying!!! The kid ended up running away crying.

You: .... ok, yeah, that thing has got to go. Like now.

Stan: What?!? Sure, he's a little rusty around the edges, but old Goldie's a classic showstopper like me!!! *goes to rest his hand on the table Goldie was in, but his hand sleeps making Goldie bite Stan as he desperately hits it against the table* KILL IT, KILL IT!!!

You: ..... *sigh*

That's when I see Soos in the corner of my eye. He was minding his own business when he sees a woman standing nearby. I wasn't that near, but I could still hear what he said.

Soos: *gasp* A woman! *hides behind the rack of clothes*

Dipper: *walks in* Hey, (y/n).

You: Hey...

Dipper: What's wrong?

You: Soos is acting... weird. Even for him. *point at Soos*

Soos: *pops up from his hiding spot creepily* Your face is good!!! I'm a Soos!!!

Woman: *runs out screaming in terror*

You and Dipper: *look at each other in confusion before walking over to Soos*

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