Chapter 1- Meeting

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Credit to KrystalHearts2 for the AMAZING cover photo!

Thursday July 28th, 2005 02:05pm

Draco Malfoy sat at his office desk, tapping his fingers in annoyance. He was pissed as all hell to discover Hermione Granger, of all people, was mad at him. His company, Malfoy Technologies, ended up having to sue her company, S.P.E.W Inc., which was her way of trying to help elves who didn't want to be helped, for slander and defamation. She had no right to be mad at him.

She had caused his company more than a few setbacks and he had lost a lot of clients because of her propaganda. She had held protests in front of his forty floor, high-rise, office building, just outside of Sparkbrook, Birmingham, on multiple occasions and she did not do it kindly.

Her whole reason for the hate against his company, he thought, was mainly because she still hated him from their school days; that, and the fact that she still thinks his workers are overworked.

He had hired elves to work for his company a few years back and he had offered to pay them, but they refused. He treated all of his employees well and he hated that the know-it-all, was trying to ruin the reputation he had tried so hard to fix.

Draco had moved his company out of London to purposely try and get away from people he knew and start over in a new city. But Hermione Granger had followed him. He didn't understand what her obsession with trying to take him down was; however, he was determined to get to the bottom of it.

Hermione Granger was set to meet him in his office at two in the afternoon and she was late. One thing he hated more than being accusing of something he didn't do, was people being late to a meeting; especially one she set the time for.

Now even more annoyed, Draco stopped his tapping and stood up. He wanted to go straight to the source instead of calling down to find out what exactly happened. He straightened his black suit jacket and removed a speck of lint from his white dress shirt before storming out of his office door on the top floor.

He was kind to his employees but when he was showing obvious signs of anger, they stayed out of his way. That is exactly what they did now, as he marched down the hallway towards the elevator.

He waited for what felt like forever for the blasted thing to come and looked down at his watch on his left wrist. The time was 02:15 pm and she was now fifteen minutes late. The doors the elevator opened and he stepped to the side to let some people out before stepping in him-self and hitting the button marked Lobby.

The elevator was one he was very fond of. The whole back had a huge floor to ceiling glass window pane that let passengers see outside. Depending on what side of the building someone was on, it gave either a glorious view of the downtown area and at night, one could see the lights of the city glow, or it gave the peaceful view of the suburban town of Sparkbrook.

His building was on the south edge of the city and looking out the side the town was on, was one of his favorite things to do. He preferred it more than the city side; but right now, he didn't want to look out the window. Right now, he just wanted to figure out why one-third of the Golden Trio was late to a meeting she scheduled.

Once he reached his destination, he stepped out and walked to the front desk in a quick pace but suddenly stopped when he saw Hermione arguing with a young blonde woman, manning the front.

He hadn't really seen the Gryffindor Golden Girl, up close, in years. He had only seen her from afar and that was due to not wanting to interact with her nonsense. But looking at her now, he realized she was still as beautiful as he remembered. Not that he would do anything about it. He had always thought she was pretty but due to her blood status, he could never act on what he felt. She would turn him away in a heartbeat anyway, with everything he had done to her and her friends.

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