Chapter 6- Change

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(Song: Chasing Cars- Snow Patrol)

The firefighters worked quickly as Draco sat watching from afar. They were yelling commands to each other and mentioning medical terms, he couldn't understand.

All of a sudden though, they counted to three and rolled Hermione on to a stretcher. Draco thought that if they were moving her on to a stretcher and not a body bag, then she was at least alive.

He moved to stand up and used the car behind him to help him. The fire rescue workers lifted Hermione up and to the side and Draco could finally see her. Her shirt was cut open for the paramedics to work and they had managed to cut the piece of metal impaling her, down to about five inches. They also had an IV bag and a portable heart rate monitor attached to her, and a man was pumping air into her lungs with a strange shaped bag.

Hermione's heartbeat was slow but to his relief, she was alive. He let out a breath at the sight and lowered his head. However, the tiny blips of her heart turned to one long beep and he lifted his head so quickly, he almost fell backwards.

The men and women lowered Hermione to the ground and brought out a machine that Draco didn't recognize. A firefighter ripped her pretty blue blouse, further away from her chest, leaving her exposed in her nude colored bra, and began CPR as another woman placed two large pads on her; one slightly above where her right nipple was, and the other, on the side of her left ribs.

Draco watched, confused as the woman then took the paddles off the machine.

"Charge to 200!" she called out.

Another man turned a knob and Draco listened as the machine charged up.

"Clear!" the paramedic shouted, and Hermione's voice, echoed in his head.

"Thank you...for defending me." She tilted her head.

Everyone removed their hands off of Hermione as the woman lowered the paddles and shocked her chest where the pads were placed earlier.

Hermione's body jerked upwards and it scared the ever loving piss out of Draco. The heartbeat monitor beeped for a second before it flat lined again. And all Draco could do, was watch in horror as tears began to form in his eyes again.

"I know...You did save my life already."

He inhaled a breath as his eyes reddened and his lips quivered but he couldn't look away.

"Give a shot of epi! Charge to 300!" the woman called out again. "Clear!"

"I don't actually hate you, Malfoy."

Once again, Hermione's body jerked off the ground and once again, Draco stood frozen, as all hope left his body.

"Please?" he begged as he began sobbing "Please Hermione...please?"

His body shook as he cried like he had never cried before. The rescuers charged the machine up again as the man took over compression and once again, the ending was the same.

Draco lowered himself to the ground, sobbing in shear agony as he raised the back of his good hand to his lips. Even still, he refused to look away as the paramedics tried again. One last time.

"Another shot of epi! Charge to 350...Clear!"

"You're beautiful." - "Thank you." she smiled lowering her head.

Hermione's body jerked up again before resting motionless on the stretcher. Her head fell to the side and Draco completely lost it when the rescuers began to lower their heads in sadness and defeat.

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