Chapter 16- Truth

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I'm sorry for the delay everyone. My mom just had a 10 hour surgery for her cancer on Thursday and I was a little out of it to finish the chapter as I promised some. Although, now it is complete and even better news, my mom is going to be okay. She has a long road ahead of her but she is a fighter and is pushing through it all. Thank you all for your patience! I really appreciate it! Other good news; for those who have asked for this story to continue...Your wish is my command. I have decided that I am going to do a sequel once this story is finished. This however, is the last chapter before the epilogue but, it is the longest chapter of the story. That is just another reason it took so long to post. I wanted to make sure it was good.


Saturday August 13th, 2005 10:28pm

Narcissa Malfoy took another step closer towards her son and Draco moved himself and Hermione back. Expected rain from the storm Draco saw earlier, began to pelt the ruined structure above them. He couldn't believe his mother of all people, helped Ron Weasley take Hermione. He was speechless and extremely annoyed all at the same time.

"What do you mean, Malfoy messed your plan up?" Harry asked holding his wand out and pointed at Narcissa.

"Well," she straightened herself up "It was actually twice now he ruined my plan. One part being him kidnapping the Mud blood at the Quidditch game."

"That is why you were there?" Draco asked angrily. "You said it was because we were sponsors of the Bulgarians!"

"And we were. But a year ago we pulled out, due to Victor Krum's injury. You would have known that if you were ever around; which you are not. I was there to keep an eye on you and to make sure Mr. Weasley didn't let you get the drop on him. Apparently, he is worthless."

"Hey!" Ron chimed in.

"Quite, you imbecile!" Narcissa voice was stern, making Ron flinch "You ruined everything! You had one simple job and that was to keep that filthy piece of trash away from my son! You are a failure and you wasted my time." She stopped and pulled at the bottom the vest attached to her floor length grey dress. "Now I know; if you want something done...Do it yourself." She spat with venom in her voice.

"What the fuck, Mother! What is wrong with you?" Draco shouted in anger "I thought we changed our ways during the war? You even helped Potter for Merlin sake!"

"You changed your ways, not me! Potter was different."

"What the fuck is that?" Ron cut in, pointing at Hermione from around Harry.

The group looked to Hermione confused.

"Are those fucking hickeys?" he spat in disgust.

Hermione raised a hand to cover the bruises on her neck.

"You sick fucking bastard! You marked her!" Ron shouted in anger as he stepped forward.

"Did I not tell you be quiet?" Narcissa stated coldly, giving Ron an irritated glare, making him go silent instantly.

Turning back to Draco she cleared her throat and continued.

"As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted by this Neanderthal; Potter was different. I was fine hating the Mud bloods from the side line but Voldemort became too much and ruined our good name; he needed to die and Potter was the only one who could stop him." She huffed "And to make matters worse, I had to go a café in Diagon Alley and over hear your new little group of friends talking about how much that filth was in love with you! It made me sick." She spat "So I had to act, and I did. But I thought you were better! My son, would never lower himself to be with a Mud blood...Then I heard from the Greengrass's, that you not only saved this wench's life, but you also stayed by her side the entire time she was in the hospital...falling in love with her! Your father would be so disappointing in you."

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