Chapter 14- Beginning

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SOME MATURE CONTENT IS PRESENT IN THIS CHAPTER. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...OR JUST SKIP OVER THAT PART LOL. Also, I made this chapter a little longer for you all as well

Chapter 14- Beginning

Saturday August 13th, 2005 09:04pm

Draco apparated into his flat and landed hard on top of Hermione as they fell to the ground. Quickly rolling off of her, he took out his wand and placed his anti-disapparition charm back up so she couldn't leave.

He sat up and got to his feet. Looking down at Hermione sprawled out on the floor, he reached a hand out to help her up, but she smacked it away. Standing up on her own, she dusted herself off and looked around before her eyes angrily landed on him.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" She screamed.

Holding up his hands in defense, he slowly back away from her as she moved forward.

"HOW DARE YOU KIDNAP ME! HOW DARE YOU TOUCH ME YOU FOUL, LOATHSOME, EVIL, LITTLE COCKROACH! If I had my wand on me, Malfoy, I swear I would hex your balls off this instant!"

"Hermione, listen to me, please. You are under the Imperius curse. I had to get you out of there. I am sorry but it was the only way." He tried to explain.

"You are a lying sack of shit! Why did you really kidnap me? Tell me the truth or I swear to Godric I will murder you with my bare hands!"

Draco continued to back up as she moved closer to him. His heels hit the side of the couch and he realized he was now trapped.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." He exclaimed, looking back to her, lowering his hands.

"Try me Ferret!"

"Weasley cursed you!" he blurted out.

Hermione stopped only a few feet away from him and furrowed her brows.

"Do you ever stop lying?" she shouted in frustration "When are you ever going to learn to not be such a slimy Slytherin?"

"I am not lying! Potter and Ginny know it too and they are the ones who helped me!"

"Oh my Godric!" she exclaimed in anger "You are so full of it!"

"I am not! You got pissed at me and your friends for no reason after we left the hospital and suddenly you no longer loved me and were all over that fucking Weasel! I saw your eyes glaze over, Hermione; very similar to how they look now! Ron Weasley used an unforgivable on you!" he shouted back.

Hermione took one more step closer to him and raised a hand; smacking him hard across his left cheek. His head turned to the right as his mouth opened in shock. He clenched his eyes when the pain started to set in and adjusted his jaw with his uninjured hand. He knew now, why she never complained about helping him stand at Malfoy Tech.; she definitely had a lot more strength in her then when she punched him in third year.

"He would never use an unforgivable; let alone use one on his best friend!" she hissed through clenched teeth. "He loves me and I love him! Now take me back this instant!" she pointed a hand away from her to emphasize her point.

"No!" he shouted looking back at her "You don't love him like that! That is the curse talking!"

"You are so pathetic! I can't believe I am even-"

Hermione suddenly stopped what she was saying and looked at Draco with a blank expression; her hand slowly lowering to her side. He straightened himself up and watched as her milky white eyes began to turn back to normal and she lowered her head.

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