Chapter 17- Epilogue

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Short chapter, but definitely my favorite one to write. I had always planned this ending and I think it came out better then I imagined. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Optional Song: Love me like you do- Ellie Goulding

Tuesday July 4th, 2006 05:45am San Diego, California; USA

Draco stood over Hermione; shirtless and barefoot in his light blue jeans, as he watched her sleep in the large king size bed in the rented luxury beach front Villa. A soft breeze began billowing through the open doors leading to the balcony, brushing the curls resting on her soft supple skin. Their first night in the United States as newlyweds, was filled with passion and desire and they both had barely gotten any sleep because of it.

But Draco was determined to make their honeymoon something worth remembering.

Sitting down at the edge of the bed, he gently touched Hermione's arm to wake her. She stirred slightly but continued to sleep.

"Hermione, Love." He whispered, leaning down to her ear. "Wake up."

Hermione stirred again and scrunched her face in annoyance.

"Mmm, five more minutes." She stated groggily before getting comfortable again.

Draco let off a quiet chuckle and placed a kiss on her temple.

"Wake up. I have a surprise for you." he whispered in her ear again.

"It better be good." She mumbled as she rolled on to her back.

"It is...Just keep your eyes closed, okay?" He smiled.

"Easier done, than said." She smiled with her eyes still closed.

"Isn't it supposed to be, easier said, than done?" he questioned with a raised brow.

"Yes, but right now keeping my eyes closed is effortless." She smiled again.

Shaking his head with a chuckle, Draco leaned down a placed a soft kiss upon her lips.

"Mmm, I could get used to that." she claimed when he pulled back.

"I hope so, because I have been doing it every day for a year and I plan," he stood up and grasped her hand to help her sit up "on doing it every day for the rest of our lives as well."

"I don't know. With everything that happened last year, I might forget throughout the day." She giggled as Draco moved to grab her tan silk pajamas off the chair near the bed.

"Then I will just have to remind you every chance I get." He claimed kissing her forehead "Here, put these on, but keep your eyes closed." He held out the pair of shorts and matching spaghetti strapped top.

Getting dressed, Hermione stood up and waited for him to guide her. Taking her hand his, he led her out of the room and carefully down the stairs. Walking her out the back patio doors, he guided her down a set of stairs and across the long wooded pier to the beach.

"Keep your eyes closed."

"They are." She giggled.

Stepping in to the cool sand, Draco moved around to stand behind her and rested his hands on her shoulders.

"Okay...Open them." he whispered in her ear.

Hermione opened her eyes; instantly her jaw dropped and her hands rose to cover her lips. Draco looked up at the table sitting in the center of the beach; complete with a full breakfast covered with silver cloches. A single red rose rested on in a small vase in the center as the sunrise in the background gave off the romantic atmosphere he planned down to the minute for her.

"Oh." Was all she could manage to say, as he watched her eyes begin to water.

"What do you say about breakfast by the ocean this morning?"

"Oh Draco." She whispered as she moved a hand to her chest. "This is so beautiful."

"You are beautiful." He wrapped his arms around her "And before you say anything...I plan to also remind you of that, every day."

She turned her head back to him and gazed into his stormy grey eyes.

"I love you Hermione. I always have...and I always will. I was serious when I told you in my vows. I want to give you the world; every inch of it. You deserve...every happiness." He finished, wiping the fallen tear from her skin.

Hermione fully turned in his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck while he lowered his hands to relax on her hips. She raised a hand and brushed her fingers through his hair and down his face. Resting them on edge of his jawline, she looked up and into his eyes; searching, memorizing, loving.

"You, are the best thing that has ever happened to me, Draco. I love you so much." She stated as tears began to once again, fill her amber eyes.

Draco cupped her cheek and gazed at her face; lost in her beauty as she said those words.

"But you already gave me the whole world, Draco." He raised a brow, slightly confused. "You."

Tears of his own began to fill his eyes, as he looked down as his wife.

"You are my whole world...Nothing else will make me any happier than when I am with you. You, are my husband, from now, until forever."

Draco smiled as he let out a soft chuckle.

"I will have to remember, I am a husband now."

"Well Mr. Malfoy," she moved her fingers around the back of his head "I will be there to remind you, every day." She smiled up at him warmly.

"You spoil me...Mrs. Malfoy."

Draco smiled widely as he leaned down and kissed Hermione. The light breeze of the ocean played across their bodies as the smell of the sea filled his lungs. The need to never let go of her lips, filled his heart as he clung to his wife with desperation. Everything around him evaporated into the background as he deepened the kiss in front of the rising sun.

Their tongue falling madly in love with each other all over again, made Draco want to live in the moment for the rest of his life. He wanted to breathe her in, drown in her, touch her, forever. And now he could. She was his and he was hers; Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, for the rest of time.

Hermione pulled back slightly, letting go the wondrous kiss, and playfully grinned from ear to ear, before pecking him on the cheek and breaking free from his hold. Running away, she laughed and jumped in the air as she turned around; begging for him to chase her.

Letting off a chuckle, Draco shook his head and waited a few seconds to give her a head start. He watched her splash at the water's edge and he couldn't help but smile in happiness. He finally had the girl of his dreams, and to him, it was still unbelievable that she really married him.

Shaking his head once more, he looked down at the sand. Raising his head, he let off a small laugh before he began chasing after her. She playfully giggled as she ran down the wet sand, but Draco quickly caught up to her.

Grabbing her from behind by the waist mid run, Draco lifted her in the air and twirled her around. Hermione squealed and laughed in delight as he turned her in his arms and let the rush of the cool water splash around his feet. Holding her in the air still, she lightly kicked her feet behind her as she cupped his face with both of her hands.

"You are a tease my love." He stated with a wide grin.

"But you love me anyway." she replied, scrunching her nose at him.

"That I do, Love...And I always will."

She leaned down and kissed him again. He lowered her to the sandy beach below, but never broke away from her lips. The waves of the Pacific Ocean cradled around their legs as if binding them together; holding on to them and never letting go, while the sun rose above the horizon, and higher into the brightly colored morning sky.

Happy Holidays family! I hope today brings each and every one of you joy! I love you all and I will see you in the sequel <3

Best Wishes, Slytherin-Goddess

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