Chapter 13- Quidditch

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Chapter 13- Quidditch

Saturday August 13th, 2005 06:13pm

"I am not wearing that!" Draco announced "That shit is too small. Do you see my height, Potter? That thing is made for someone small."

"We don't really have a choice here, Malfoy." Harry began, holding up the invisibility cloak "You'll have to crouch."

"Are you kidding me? That thing is made for a child, not for an almost six foot tall adult. Why can't I just grab her without the damn blanket?"

"Because Ron will see you and do everything he can to make sure you are nowhere near Hermione; making it harder for you to get her. You are the one who is supposed to grab her while we distract him. Plus," Harry added "there will be too many people around. You can't just kidnap someone in a large crowded place without anyone seeing you. She is going to put up a fight, so we need to get her somewhere semi alone, that way you can grab her and hold her long enough until you can get her out of the stadium to disapparate."

"Can you at least enlarge it? Half of my body is going to show and I can't really avoid running into people on my hands and knees; let alone kidnap my girlfriend."

"So she is your girlfriend now?" Ginny asked with a friendly smirk "Does she know that?"

"Piss off, Weaselette. You know damn well what I mean."

"Well someone is touchy." She ticked.

"Anyway..." Harry cut in "I have actually never tried enlarging it...I don't even know if it is possible." He tilted his head and looked at the cloak.

"And why wouldn't it be possible? We can enlarge everything else in the world." Draco asked, crossing his arms as he stood in the center of his living room, looking at Harry.

"Because Death himself, made it, Malfoy. It is one of the Deathly Hallows, remember? I doubt it can be altered in any way."

"Well it doesn't hurt to try." Draco stated firmly.

"It might, actually...Who knows what will happen if I try."

"Just try, Potter." Draco threw his hands in the air.

"Okay, okay!" Harry stated, holding a hand up.

Harry laid the cloak on the coffee table and brought out his wand. He pointed it at the cloak and took in a deep breath.

"Here goes nothing...Engorgio."

To everyone's surprise, the cloak enlarged with no problem. Draco looked up at Harry and smirked before leaning down and picking the cloak up.

"Look at that; you lived." Draco stated looking the cloth over.

"Can we just, go over the plan one more time before we leave?" Ginny asked, as she fixed the top to her Quidditch uniform.

"Why are you wearing that again?" Draco asked, placing the cloak in his suit jacket.

"I have to. Just because I can't play doesn't mean I can't support my team."

" anyway, "Draco began "as everyone knows, to prevent people from sneaking in, disapparition is banned, along with real and fake invisibility cloaks and certain spells. We will go in separately; Potter distracts Weasley long enough for Weaselette to pull Hermione to the woman's bathroom. That is when I will don the cloak and sneak in."

"Okay, seems solid. And we had a barn owl earlier, deliver the ticket to Ron and I made sure it didn't leave without a response on if he is going; he will definitely be there with Hermione." Harry claimed "But if anyone asks, I am not a part of this. My job could be on the line for one, not reporting this and two, for helping aid a kidnapping. I would rather not get fired and potentially be sent to Azkaban, so let's make this as smooth as possible, alright?"

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